Ch. 12 "Steve"

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                                                    Dakota POV 

It had been a few days since then and to say that Tony took me being out until three in the morning very seriously would be an understatement. 

I am not to leave the tower without any kind of adult supervision. If I even get to the lobby and I am by myself Friday informs Tony. 

I was currently sitting in my lab and Skimming through books and trying to keep my mind off of everything. 

I am smart. I can handle anything except figure out a solution to a freaking rare heart condition! I thought as I glared at the book. 

"Geez whatever that book did to you it better apologize," I hear 

I looked up and see Steve. 

I sighed closing the book that had all sort of sticky notes attached to pages and highlighted. 

"You've been stuck in here for days.." Steve said 

I know what he was getting at. And I am 90% sure Tony put him up to this because I am beyond pissed off at Tony for putting me on lock down like a freaking toddler. 

"Yeah.. Well can't exactly go anywhere without big brother Tony getting all bent out of shape.." I mumbled looking for another book on the bookshelf. 

"You know he just worries." Steve said 

"He's got a funny way of showing it. locking me up like a prisoner." I said 

"You were out until three in the morning. anything could have happened to you." Steve said worried 

"I'm fifteen. you, Bucky Nat and Clint have been teaching me self defense since we met. I can handle myself." I said sitting back down opening the next book

Steve chuckled 

"I don't doubt that for a second. We just worry." Steve said 

I could hear the worry in his voice. 

I looked up. I see him sitting across from me at the lab table. 

"I know you guys do. but I am not a toddler." I said looking down

"I didn't say that." Steve said 

"You didn't have to. Tony has been treating me like this fragile toddler since I can remember. constantly thinking I'm made of glass. like a single touch will shatter me." I said 

"He's just trying to protect you." Steve said 

"I know. but you and I both know he goes to extremes." I said 

I hear Steve chuckle. 

I looked up. 

"You two are too much alike I think that is what the problem is." Steve said 

"Maybe.." I mumbled 

"But he needs to learn I'm not a child anymore.." I mumbled 

Steve chuckled again. 

"Just make sure you eat lunch okay." He said 

I nodded and he walked out. 

I was looking down at my book. when I hear someone clear their throat. 

I look up and see Tony. 

I sighed 

Well there goes my afternoon. 

He sat down. 

"We need to talk." He said in a stern voice 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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