Chapter 3 - Dolores Knows

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In the town, Isabela have her flowers grew all over the houses.

The townsfolk are gratified for the golden woman.

She dances in her movements to bring grace and beauty of her flowers in the air.

Isabela needed a breather. She goes out of the town for fresh air.

Dolores appeared near the town. She looked alerted. "Isabela?" Dolores wondered.

Isabela encounters her prima. She efforts to be contented. "Hey, Dolores." Isabela greeted.

Dolores steps forth to her. "Taking a break a bit?" She wondered again.

Isabela nodded her twice. "I am." She added, telling her frankly. Isabela became mad. "I met Mariano Guzman with his mama this morning." She stated.

Dolores gasped surprisingly. "Isn't he dreamy like I imagined?" She inquired.

Isabela frowned. "No." She added, facing her mystifyingly. "Wait, how come you know so much of Mariano Guzman?" Isabela asks.

Dolores sighs hopelessly. "Oh, I got my chance to meet him before you have. He may talked loud. A poet. Mariano was so good to his mother. That makes Senora really proud of her son. The Guzmans are actually nice to me." She said.

Isabela scoffed. She even rolls her eyes at her.

Dolores got sorrowful all of a sudden. "Of course, Senora told me that her son's betrothed to you. I still can't believe my future from Tio Bruno's vision is gonna happen to me." She mentioned.

Isabela gets disbelieved. Was her prima have fallen in love with Mariano Guzman? Somehow, she feels awful for Dolores. Isabela considered the issue she had ever got from Abuela. Isabela smirks.

Dolores stares at her pathetically. "Oh, Isabela." She added, questioning her. "How am I ever going to get thru my heartbreak after you get engaged tonight?" Dolores sobbed.

Isabela shook her head delightfully. "You don't have to cry over Mariano's proposal to me this evening." She aforesaid.

Dolores became confused. "What? What do you mean by that?" She asked curiously at her.

Isabela sighed reassuringly. "I'm just saying not to worry about me with a big dumb hunk." She replies.

Dolores tilts her head. "I hear you chuckled in your smile." She utters.

Isabela laughs a little at herself. "We can share secrets, right Dolores?" She declared.

Dolores nods her head. Yet, she still don't see her prima acting odd.

Isabela gestures at her. "Come here over." She added, sounding natural. "Let me whisper in your ear about my secret." Isabela instructed her.

Dolores shrugged. She lends her prima her left ear.

Isabela whispered her plot to her for the night.

Dolores goes overwhelmed. "Oh." She gasps.

Isabela became angry. "I am SICK of being pretty at all times. Abuela has ONLY done for me is ruining my life. And our tio didn't have a vision of me getting married. It was until he shown me his vision of MY future. Not my first future. My SECOND future." She stated.

"Your future from Tio Bruno's vision is to be with Mariano?!" Dolores asked frighteningly.

"No." Isabela added, getting intense. "MY future was undecided. Our tio just shown me leaving the casita. I had to wonder why from him." She uttered.

"You have a family! You have a house! And you have a gift!" Dolores added, going fiercely. "You're going to leave us behind for what...Your own true self?!" She inquires.

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