When you have an allergic reaction pt 1

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This chapter was requested by SniperRye

Quick Announcement

-I'm sorry if this is not correct as I'm having to search up symptoms for certain allergies





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-It was a nice sunny day

-You thought it was the perfect time to enjoy a sweet treat which you had bought from a vender earlier on

-So here you were, enjoying your dango 

-When all of a sudden your face started to feel itchy

-So you did what you had to and started to itch your face

-Tanjiro walked in to give you your daily dose of hap;iness

-When he noticed red rashes all over your face and neck

-He started to panic and quickly picked you up bridal style and ran towards the butterfly mansion

-Your throat started to close up making it harder for you to breathe

-But not to fear as our dear Tanjiro had gotten you to Shinobu in no time

-She quickly realised what the diagnosis was and injected you with a special medicine which she had created

(they didn't have EpiPen's back then)

-You had seemed to calm down almost instantly and your breathing had gone back to narmal as well as the rashes on your face

-"Ara ara Y/N chan, seems to me that you had an allergic reaction to peanuts"

-You were confused as you hadn't eaten any peanuts

-That was until you remembered that the dango you had eaten must of had traces of peanuts

-let's say Tanjiro had almost passed out the whole time

-And he did just that when you had told Shinobu about the dango you had eaten as if you weren't dying a few minutes before

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