School and Sandwiches

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Tw: parents fighting
Sapnap Pov :
Beep beep beep. The sound of my alarm going off on a dark Wednesday morning wakes me as I reach over and hit what I thought was snooze. After what I thought was 10 minutes I got up and double-checked that my alarm was going to go off eventually. I looked at the screen as it illuminated my face and expected to see the time as 4:09 am...SHIT, IT'S 4:30! I quickly rush to the restroom and use some dry shampoo on my hair. I quickly brush my hair and brush my teeth. Afterward, I go back to my room and go to my closet. I quickly pull out a black turtleneck and a white shirt with a flame in the middle. I walked over to my hamper and pulled out a pair of jeans I haven't washed yet. I quickly change into my clothes and walk over to my small desk and grab a white ribbon that I tied around my head to keep my hair out of my face.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a quick granola bar for breakfast and my backpack. I leave a note for my parents that I was heading to work, it's not that they care anyways, but it makes me feel like they do. Then I opened the garage door, grabbed my bike, and closed the door behind me. I rode down the roads quickly with my bike light on, by now I had to be at least 10 minutes late. I pulled up to the Sub-Today where I work and rushed to the back to time-in. "Your 15 minutes late Sapmap" Dream yells to the back. Dream has been working here about a month longer than I have and we're the best of friends, we both usually have the opening shift so we had some time to get to know each other. "Call me Sapmap again we're going to have problems" I yell back. I get back to the front and start preparing all of the sandwich toppings that customers can get. " So do you have any more shifts today or this week?" "Yeah I have one after school this afternoon and then another shift on Friday," I responded.

After a busy morning, the people whose shift comes after ours walk in. Dream and I take that as our cue to time out and go to school. We headed to the back, removed our aprons, threw our backpacks over our shoulders, and exited the fast food building. As I hopped on my bike Dream yelled to me from his truck, "See you at school!" I nodded back at him and started riding to school. Both Dream and I go to Smp High School and are Juniors.

I entered the school at around 8:47 and headed toward my locker. Once there I put in my pin and opened it to reveal an area to put my books and photos of my friends. After I threw my unneeded books in my locker, I shut it and left for my first class, Ela.

I walked into class and sat in my seat 2 rows from the very back, where my friend Quackity sat. I opened my notebook and started drawing different ways to draw eyes. That's when a strange boy walked into class with the teacher. He wore a purple hoodie with different colored sleeves and a green swirl in the middle, dark blue jeans, and multi-colored nails that matched his hoodie. "Hello class, today we have a new student, care to introduce yourself?" Mr.GodKnowsWhat stated. "Hello! My name is Karl Jacobs but you guys can call me Karl!" The strange b- I mean, Karl said positively. Once he introduced himself most kids started whispering. "Ok Mr. Jacobs, you can go have a seat next to Nick, Nick raises your hand." I raised my hand and Karl walked over to the seat next to me. Karl sat down, took out a notebook with a swirl matching his hoodie, and started doodling.

My classes went by pretty quickly and soon it was lunch. I went to my usual table with Dream, his boyfriend George, and Quackity. "Did you guys see the new kid?" Dream started. "Yeah he was kinda strange..." George stated. "Are you guys talking about Karl? He sits next to me in Ela, he seems really nice..." "Dude he was totally strange, he was drawing swirls and caves and Masquerade masks in extreme detail!" Quackity responded. "Whatever," I said, and with that, I ate my lunch.

The rest of the day Was pretty uneventful and soon it was 4:30, time to leave. I hopped on my bike and rode down to Sub-today. I arrived on time, surprisingly, and timed in. I walked to the back, set down my back, and threw on my apron and hat. As I walked to the front I saw a familiar-looking boy walk in. "Hello! Welcome to Sub-Today! What can I- Oh Hey Karl!" I spoke. " Hey Nick, How are you?" "I'm good, I actually go by Sapnap, but what can I get you today?" I asked. "Oh sorry, Sapnap not Nick.." He opened a notebook, erased something, and then wrote something else to replace it. "Um, and I get a plain turkey sandwich on white bread with lettuce, mayonnaise, and no cheese." " And would you like that toasted?" "No thanks!" He said with a smile. His smile was really pretty, too bad there are people who are going to try to ruin it... I started making his sandwich. He went to sit down at one of the tables, took out a book, and started to read. A couple of minutes later I finished making his sandwich. I walked over to his table and handed him his sandwich, seeing what book he was reading. *"Tales Of The Smp" How strange* I thought. "Hope you enjoy your sandwich!"

At 5:30 Karl closed his book and left, then at 6 we closed up the store and then went home. I got home and saw my parents fighting again, probably because of financial reasons, so I went upstairs to my room, aka the attic. I lay down in bed and started doing homework, then I went to bed.
Hey guys! This is the first chapter, no clue when chapter 2 is going to be out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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