Chapter 3: How to Make a Deal With Your Soulmate

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A/N: Warning for some sexual content in this chapter.

I recommend listening to the song in the media for this chapter!

Happy Valentine's Day 😌


When Kellin pulls up outside of a beautifully picturesque, upscale apartment building, he checks the address six times over to make sure he's actually at the right place. He gazes upward at the huge glass windows, the modern design of the place, to the doorman standing outside, and lets out an incredulous laugh. It looks like the kind of place Oliver would live in, that's for damn sure.

When Oliver pulls open his door, his hazel eyes widen and his entire body jolts at the sight of Kellin, and the shorter boy's body does the same at the sight of Oliver.

The older man is clad in a black 'Bulls' jersey that has thin, red, vertical stripes on it, as well as 'Bulls 23' printed on it in large, red writing, leaving Oliver's gorgeously toned, tattooed arms on full display. He's also wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and his large feet only covered by a pair of black socks.

There are several seconds of dead air, where the brunet's eyes also roam up and down Kellin's gorgeous face and beautifully lithe figure. He's wearing a simple outfit consisting of an oversized, maroon hoodie with the hood up over his head and the zipper done up as far as it can go, a neckline of a black shirt peeking out just slightly from underneath. He's also wearing a pair of fitted, light blue ripped jeans and worn out, black TOMS. Oliver's eyes eventually land on the exposed mark around Kellin's pale jaw for much longer than is appropriate, before settling on the petite boy's bright, shimmering doe-eyes.

That hard look from last night slowly etches it's way back on Oliver's chiseled features, though it takes a few seconds to appear. "How do you know where I live?"

Kellin smiles at him sweetly, leaning against the doorframe, his thin, delicate fingers fiddling with the pair of sunglasses that he had taken off of his face once he arrived at the apartment complex. "I asked my dad."

The hazel-eyed man frowns. "I told you that we shouldn't see each other again."

The raven-haired boy gives him an unimpressed look, "Are you going to invite me in?"


"Look," now Kellin rips his hood off his head, unzips the hoodie completely and pulls down the collar of his black shirt underneath, so that the mark is almost completely exposed, and Oliver just eyeballs it even harder. "You can't just get rid of me, Oliver. Have you turned your fucking television on at all, today?"

The brunet sets his jaw and looks back into the younger boy's stunning eyes. "I don't have a television."

Kellin doesn't even know what to say to that. He sputters for a few seconds, mouth opening and closing in utter disbelief. Who the fuck doesn't have a television? Is this 2022 or not?

"But you know what I'm talking about-"

"Yes, Kellin," and he says his name like a curse word, or something stupid, and it pisses Kellin right off. "I told you this would happen, didn't I? Because you couldn't leave well enough alone."

Kellin stands his ground, puffs his chest up, and says, "Invite me into your home, please."

"You're not-"

"Would you rather have this discussion in front of all your neighbors, Oli? Would you rather someone snaps the first current picture of the happy new couple together while we fucking argue?"

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