Chapter 10: How to Party on Hollywood Boulevard

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Oli's outfit

Kellin's outfit

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Kellin's outfit

Kellin's outfit

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"You know, I'm really happy Oliver didn't actually kill you," A short, dark-haired woman with deep brown eyes and tan skin says to Kellin, holding a champagne glass in her hand and eyeing him up and down like he's up for sale. "And you look great. For being dead for nearly twenty-four hours, you look fucking great."

Kellin flashes a bright smile at her, all perfectly straight, pearly white teeth and sparkling eyes, and nods. "Thank you."

They don't get to have their Saw themed 'coming out' party. Kellin and Oli do not dress up like Princess Jasmine and Rajah or Mike Wazowski and Sully and there are no tater tots or macaroni and cheese.

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