Chapter 5: How to Get a Publicist

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to gorockbison ❤️


Would a rose by any other name truly smell as sweet? In the case of Oliver Sykes and Kellin Quinn (Kellin has recently requested that we use his middle name rather than his last name Bostwick, which we have to admit, has a much nicer ring to it), the newest mutation couple to come out to the public, we're thinking not.

Oliver Sykes is rude, abrasive, and loves getting physical with pretty much anyone who pisses him off (anyone who pisses him off boils down to, essentially, everyone.)

He doesn't have a problem smashing our cameras on the ground, and by extension, apparently, doesn't have a problem writing us thousand dollar checks every other day (sorry, but, c'mon, Sykes! Our tech ain't cheap.)

When we tried to stop him outside a restaurant in his hometown of Mission Bay (San Francisco) earlier today, he in no uncertain terms, told us to f**k off. Specifically, what he said was 'f**k off before I rip your motherf**king heads off with my bare hands', while Kellin laughed maniacally in the background.

Speaking of Kellin Quinn, the younger half of the duo...although he's certainly the lesser of two evils, he's not exactly doling out sunshine and puppies at every corner, either.

While his beau is more actively an asshole, Kellin is more passively an asshole. He doesn't stop Oliver from shoving our cameraman against walls, doesn't tell Oliver to try being nice (for once). For the most part, he's happy to flash smiles at the cameras and giggle whenever Oliver goes King Kong on us.

Occasionally, we've seen him start yelling at Oli the second the car door slams behind them and we're out of earshot, which would mark the first time we've ever seen soulmates argue with one another. Plus, considering the fact that Oli could probably snap Kellin's neck with a flick of his wrist, we find it interesting that Kellin is normally the one instigating problems with his soulmate.

Case and point, the duo isn't anything like the other three mutation couples in the public eye; they're not sweet, they're not nice, they don't want to sign autographs or kiss for the cameras. They hardly touch at all, as a matter of fact, which only fuels the gossip that the pair like to engage in the bizarre act of touch-starvation (how much f**king money would you pay for a porno of Kellin and Oliver doing that) (seriously though...look it up...)

All of these factors combined are probably what's led to them becoming the most talked about celebrity couple; not just in terms of mated couples, but in general, and in just the two short weeks we've known them.

They're sexy and mysterious and something about the way they act like they hardly tolerate each other has mass fan appeal. (The Power of Koli -Lynn Gunn,


"You're not reading that shit again, are you?" Oli asks from the edge of the bed. His bare back is to Kellin, beautifully colorful and intricately designed tattoos on full display, while he makes a big show out of putting his clothes back on.

"Don't pretend like you're not curious to know what they say about you," The small boy counters in return, eyeballing the picture that accompanies the article with his head slightly tilted to the side.

In the picture they're outside the hazel-eyed man's sumptuous apartment building, probably from the day that Oli literally grabbed a camera out of a man's hand and threw it down onto the ground hard enough to shatter it into about ten separate pieces. Kellin is staring directly into the camera with a whisper of a smile, mid-step, while Oliver has his eyes on the back of the younger boy's head a few paces behind him, lips drawn down into a tight, terse frown.

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