valentines special 💝

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he wore flowers in his hair
and had beautiful secrets in his eyes

John had never seen a reason to celebrate Valentines day, but he never really had girlfriend, much less a boyfriend, to get romantic stuff for. But Blyke? He was really into Valentines day now, considering this was his first valentines day with a boyfriend. He knew it wasn't really Johns thing- hell, he'd be surprised if John even knew that Valentines day was today.

Blyke sighed, tapping his pencil against his chin. He knew he wanted to get John something, but the question was what? He couldn't really see the other being into fancy things like a date to an actual resturaunt or something- maybe he likes sweets? Boba? Maybe a card? Blyke groaned, messing up his own hair a bit out of frustration, and struggling not to slam his head on the table, considering he's in the library.

Something he'll like... something... Someone poked him, causing a small gasp to fall from his lips "iwasn'tdoinganythingiswear-" he sped through his words, looking up to meet eyes with a pink-ette. "Oh, it's you," he let out a sigh of relief, watching her quirk a brow. "You doing ok Blyke?" She sat next to him, looking down at a paper he had on the table.

"You've been aggressivly scribbling on that poor paper for about 15 minutes," Blyke flushed a bit out of embarrassment, coming to the realization- he was going absolutely bonkers. Blyke grabbed her shoulders suddenly, watching her eyes widen a bit. "Remi, please help me," he breathed out a sigh, looking back toward the paper- it really was covered in scribbles, huh?

She smiled a bit "I'd love to help!" she chirped, sitting down in a chair next to him. "What do you need?" she leaned forward in her chair. Blyke inhaled, still embarrassed about the fact that he had to ask for help- but Remi seemed like a good person to ask, better than Isen at least... "Today's Valentines day, and I can't think of something to get John, so-"

He had never seen Remi jolt up faster in her life, and her eyes seeming to be full of sparkles. "Are you asking me to help you get a gift for your boyfriend?" hearing it out loud made Blyke's face turn red, slapping his hands on her lips while whisper-shouting "shutupshutupshutupshutup!!" and the girl couldn't help but giggle at that. Remi moved his hands off of her mouth and nodding.

"Ok, what options have you considered?" she gestured to the destroyed paper on the table. Blyke had to take a deep breath, slumping back down into his chair. "Dinner is a bust, John doesn't like all that fancy stuff," he sighed, leaning forward on his hand before speaking again. "I would do boba, but we do that all the time, i don't know if he likes chocolates all too much? and a card just seems too plain-" He groaned, leaning his head back and messing up his hair again.

Remi put a hand on her chin, closing her eyes and humming a bit before smacking her fist down on her hand. "I got it!" she smiled, making eye contact with Blyke. "What about a picnic? With flowers!" this caught the boys attention, brows raising a bit. "You could get flowers too- who doesn't love flowers, am I right?" She hummed, tilting her head with a close-eyed smile.

"That's actually... a really good idea," Blyke's face brightened a bit, though he still seemed a little nervous. "What should I bring though?" He looked at her, hoping she had some good answers- and as always, she did. "Maybe some little sandwiches, cookies maybe? and drinks for the both of you!" She smiled at Blyke. He leaned in to hug her quickly, feeling as she patted his back lightly "You're so awesome Remi" He pulled back quickly, crumbling up the destroyed paper.

He paused before he got up, turning to Remi again. "Hey uhm, Remi?" the girl in question hummed a little, Blyke leaning in to whisper something in her ear. Her brows shot up, turning to look at the red-head as he pulled away nervously, cheeks still dusted with a blush. Remi smiled, shaking her head a bit before she spoke. "I think he'd adore it." She stood up, punching Blyke in the shoulder lightly. 

"Go get em tiger," He groaned playfully as Remi giggled, smiling at her. "Seriously, thank you," His smile brightened, though a small hint of anxiety still lingered. "Any time! Now hurry up, she pushed him a bit toward the exit "It's already past 1!" And with that, Blyke rushed out of the library to prepare everything for his surprise.


John had always known Blyke was the romantic type, but he never expected to find a note on his pillow asking him to meet up at the park. The two would usually just leave together from the dorm, so this was kinda weird. John's brows furrowed for a moment, attention quickly shifting as he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. It was a message from Blyke, and while John opened it hoping for an explanation, he just got a reminder that the note was on his bed.

He couldn't help but sigh, a small smile gracing his lips. John took a picture of the note unfolded on his bed, sending it along with a text saying "on my way". He turned his phone off, running his fingers through messy black hair before deciding to go back to the door and slip on his shoes- he had already changed into a hoodie and shorts, that's how he found out the note was there anyways.

Just like that, John was on his way to meet up with his oh so overly romantic boyfriend. The stroll was actually kinda nice in all honesty; the air wasn't too cold, it smelt nice, and the sky was beautifully clear. No wonder Blyke chose today to meet up at the park... He inhaled, exhaling slowly afterward with a warm smile on his face. It was a nice day.

And it had only gotten better. John's eyes drifted towards a spread out blanket, a basket sitting in the middle and a boy with red hair in a cute sweater sitting down on one of the corners, weaving stems together almost expertly- but really got him was the plethora of flowers surrounding the area- and they weren't grown there, they were just... put there. His eyes were wide and his mouth open as he looked up from the flowers.

The red-head looked up at John, smiling bashfully and waving to him. "Come on over!" Blyke shouted, waving his hand some more. John acquiesced before taking a step, pink petals falling under his tennis shoes. His face flushed as he shyly made his way over, scratching the back of his neck with a gentle smile. "Wow," he stared down, watching the other boy pat the spot next to him. He sat down beside him, looking down at the flowers he's weaved together, then back to his face.

"We can match," Blyke laughed, pointing to the flowers on his own head. He was so beautiful- has someone ever done something this... big for him before? "Hey, hey John are you okay?" He saw Blyke move closer, putting a hand on his cheek and swiping his thumb against it. Was John really... "Sorry, it's just..." John paused, leaning onto Blyke's hand for a moment, "Nobody's done anything like this for me before.."

Blyke smiled, blushing a bit as he felt John kiss his palm of his hand, a little wet from the small tears John shed for a moment. He reluctantly moved his hand, grabbing the flower crown and placing it atop John's head in a gentle manner. "Well, if it makes you smile this much," Blyke leaned in to nuzzle against Johns shoulder a bit "Then I wouldn't mind doing it on the daily..." Blyke hummed, closing his eyes.

John let out a warm sigh, closing his eyes along with Blyke. "You don't need to do that," he leaned his head onto Blyke's when he felt his arm get tugged in close. "I love being with you, even on the days we only get to see eachother once or twice," Blyke hummed a bit, a smile never leaving his face. "Just having you close to me makes me happy enough..." Blyke nuzzled up onto his shoulder again before finally speaking.

"I want to find out every little think that makes you smile, or makes your eyes light up with joy...
and I want to make sure I'm the one who gets to use them"

: a/n :
happy valentines day guys!! wanted to get this out before 12 am  [est time] so that you would be able to have it ON VALENTINES DAY!! hope you enjoyed my sappy little fic <3

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