~ 2 ~ The Party

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Kasey's p.o.v

"Lissy, where you hiding the beer?" Tess called, her bum sticking out from under the bed.

"Have you tried the fridge....?" Alissa called back from the bathroom.


I laughed as she scuttled off in her mini skirt and crop top to the kitchen.

It was Zayn's 18th birthday tonight and since his parents were away the eight of us were taking over his house. Our parties were never that big, it was usually just me, Alissa, Tess, Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn but it was always better that way.

As usual the three girls got ready in Alissa's and since Alissa lived next door to Zayn we didn't have to pay for a taxi. We were pretty luck that we all lived pretty close it was only Louis and Tess who lived on the opposite side of town.

I was busy rubbing tan into my leg that I didn't hear the wolf whistle from outside the window until Alissa turned off the loud music and pointed towards her window. Unsurprisingly Harry and Niall were basically hanging out the window across from Al's winking at us and making inappropriate gestures.

"Perverts!" Tess screamed suddenly reappearing beside us

"Just meet us outside in 20" Harry scowled shutting the window and walking off

Twenty minutes the later the three of us appeared at the front door, looking fab if we did say so ourselves. Tess was, of course, scantily clad in a black mini skirt and a tie die crop top along with skyscraper Silver diamoti heels and her wavy purple hair flowing in every direction. Alissa looked a little bit classier in her classic magenta pep-lum with mess sides and black heels. Then there was me, a mix of both in a tight high waisted orange skirt with a black crop top and strappy sandal heels.

We greeted Harry and Niall who were both carrying numerous bottles of beer and vodka and walked into Zayn's


Things were heating pretty quickly. We were onto our third bottle of vodka and a game of spin the bottle. Tess and louis had dissapered about an hour before we started playing charades but no one really wanted to find them.

So far, Al had kissed Harry and Liam and even Tess ( it was her other option after she landed on Niall), I had done a pretty risky body shot off of Liam and he had done one off me and Harry had prank called the hot receptionist at l school. One thing was clear, We were very drunk.

"let's go to Panorama" Liam suggested randomly... Well more shouted and we all screamed in agreement as if we needed more alcohol. I found Tess easily in a ... Ahem... Compromising position with Louis upstairs and I screamed at her and told her we were leaving.

"two secs" she giggled and a hasty dressing later we were on our way.

Zayns p.o.v

We stumbled to the old nightclub at the edge of the town beside sammys chipper. Alissa looked incredible. Her dress hugged her beautiful curves and the way she flipped her hair melted my heart into tiny pieces, She was the reason Kasey and i had broken up, we had shared a moment over the summer when we were waiting for the others in the tree house.


"i dont want the summer to end" Alissa moaned as we lay on the floor of Kaseys treehouse. "i know, it'll suck" i agreed and i grabbed a galaxy out of the minibar it was the last one. I began to eat it knowing it'd annoy Al. I added sound affects and suddenly she attacked me. She was tickling me so much to get the chocolate that I accidently smacked her face.

She winced and pulled away placing her hand on her cheek. I quickly turned to hold the side of her face worryingly and pushed her bangs away from her deep green eyes. She gazed at me. "im sorry" i whispered and before i knew it i could feel her her hot breath milimeteres away from my lips. I couldve sworn i had heard her heart beating. I leaned in to kiss her. It barely lasted a second before she pulled away. "zayn i..." she mumbled. "i know" i said answering her thoughts. It was unfair on Kasey and luckily Niall walked in the gate at that moment, distracting us.


I had just lit up a fag with Tess when the others came outside for air. We were just chatting when a gang of stoned teenagers approached us. Seben, the head of that gang slid his arm around Al's waist "Hey sugar, how bout you and i ditch these losers and go get an ally to ourselves?"

"ewww no!" Al recoiled in horror.

"cmon bitch you know you want to" he was angry now. She tried to move away but he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her closer forcing his lips on hers. She screamed and stamped on his foot. I felt the anger rise up in side me and before I could stop myself I had punched him. Hard. My knuckles throbbed as he went down.

We made a run for it, Seben was not the kind of guy you messed with, he was rough and had a lot of power.

We were barely down the road when the black ford fiesta caught up with us. It all happend so fast. The tinted window rolled down and a hand emergered. It was holding a gun. A loud shot rang in our ears and my eyes followed the shiny silver bullet. Alissa gasped as it hit her right in the stomach. Kasey let out a piercing scream and i ran to Al's side. I put my hand over the warm wound to stem the flow of blood. "call an ambulance Louis" i screamed and as her eyes drooped i recalled the first time i met her.


It was my little sisters birthday and i had gone outside to escape from the crowd of girls in my house. Thats when u saw her. I had just moved in next door and i watched as her golden hair was swept by the wind. She smiled a smile that could light up a thousand rooms and advanced towards me. "hi! Im Alissa, whats your name?" she said and i couldnt breathe. "yemmsm" i mumbled and she grinned. "well then yemmsm lets play" and she kicked the football at me. We've been friends ever since.


As i heard the wail of sirens in the distance i felt hot tears trickle down my face. I couldnt imagine life without her. She was my world, my everything, my all. I loved her.

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