~7~ Dirty Little Secrets

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Kasey's p.o.v:

I climbed Al's staicase dodging random toys left there by her younger brothers and replayed the argument I had just witnessed between Harry and Tess. It wasn't any ordinary squabble... They seemed to be both really annoyed over something. This explained why they were always so hostile towards each other but usually the worst thing was an evil glare or even a unnecessary snigger, I've never seen them like this. I tried to think of all the things that could have caused problems between the pair but as far as I remember they were friends one minutes and mortal enemies the next. I sighed heavily, maybe Alissa will know why they were arguing.

I pushed Al's door open and was slightly relieved to see that Zayn had gone home for once. Instead louis sat beside Al's bed. I looked at them bemused as Al had her tank top rolled up, displaying her war wound and was daring Louis to touch it. Louis was squealing like a girl and recoiling in horror.

I cleared my throat. "Em lou, could i have a moment alone with Al please?".

"Gladly" Louis joked "she's scaring me for life here". He jumped up from the chair and cheekily winked at Alissa as he leaned down to kissed her cheek.

"Jokes you know i love you babe, scars and all" he laughed "still on for our movie marathon tomorrow evening"?

"You bet", Al smiled while rolling down her top. "Feel better then pumpkin, bye Kas", he smiled heading out the door.

Alissa smiled meekly at me and sat up straighter in the bed making me feel like a stranger in her home. I bit the inside of my mouth and walked up to the chair beside her bed, plonking myself into it. I was clearing things once and for all.

"So" I began staring at my feet . "Sooooo" Al repeated "whats up?"

"I just.. um... wanted to talk to you about Zayn" I grumbled moving my eyes to my thumbs.

Al suddenly tensed beside me and she too stared at my thumbs. I don't know why I worrying so much but my mouth kept opening and closing without words coming out.

"I just wanted to tell you" I began now turning to look her in the eyes "there are no feelings. I can tell how much he likes you and I sense that you like him, so if you wanted to like um date him i wouldn't mind" I blurted out suprising myself at how nervous i was "I just want my best friend back, seeing you in that hospital was just....heartbreaking"

Suddenly Alissa smiled broadly at me and patted the space beside her On the bed which I gladly jumped up to take. When I was comfortably sat next to her she blushed and squeezed my hand "Thanks... I..I really like him"

I squealed "Al loves Zayn" i sang feeling more comfortable. She giggled at my outburst and rested her head on my shoulders like she always did.

"So" I teased,playing with a strand of her hair "has he made any moves yet?" She blushed a deeper shade of red and I waggled my eyebrows at her.

"A few" she confessed, "but i didn't want to hurt you... but now...."

"Now you can tell him you luuurve him too".

She shrugged happily and turned on the TV, flicking into a music station we both liked

"What have you done all day" Al asked swiftly changing the subject "how was school".

"ugh same old same old" I muttered "it was only me and Harry, was Zayn with you? Al nodded "I convinced him to go home and sleep, wheres Harry now?" she questioned. The argument I had overheard between Tess and Harry came to me once more. I regaled what i had seen to Al, who looked concerned.

"It was probably nothing" she assured me "maybe something to do with louis, you know how weird Harry gets?".

"Yeah your probaly right", i concluded. We were interupted by the door swinging open, It was

Zayn and I noticed he looked slightly better rested then the last time I had seen him. Guess that's my cue to leave then I thought

"Hey" he said smiling goofily at al. "Hey" Alissa repeated mirroring his goofy smile. I gigggled to myself and stood up. "I'll leave you two alone then shall i?" I said heading out the door. Neither protested but I didn't mind I just wanted them to be happy. Ah young love.

Alissa's p.o.v:

I lay on my bed with my arms splayed on Zayn's chest and my head rested on his shoulder. He hummed gently. I was supposed to feel extremely relaxed but I couldn't stop myself thinking of what Kas had told me. How could Harry and Tess be so stupid to let Kasey see them arguing? If they continued this way Kasey would soon enough find out their secret, just like I had.....


It was insanely hot outside and i was sat in my kitchen with a heavily pregnant Tess. I had agreed to help pick out potential adoptive parents for her baby. Apparently Tess thought I had a "good judge of character". We sifted through endless files containing pictures of smiling couples and their basic information. Each one I suggested to Tess she turned her nose up to. She was in an unusually bad mood today and had been ever since she found out she was pregnant with Niall's foreign exchange form Finland, Austin himj's baby.

Tess told us they got together at his farwell party and he had well left by the time she found out she was pregnant. She refused to get in contact with him however and tell him, and threatened to kill us if we told him. She was set on giving the baby up for adoption, and I supported her decision one hundered per cent. It seemed to me that Tess was second guessing it though. Any one of these couples from the files before me seemed they would love this baby unconditionally and give it everything it needed, but Tess refused to accept any of them.

The doorbell rang just as I was about to crack, and I gladly jumped up to answer it. I pulled the door open to find Harry standing there looking flustered and scared. Before I had time to speak he barged past me and marched straight to the kitchen. I stood shell shocked beside my door, what was going on? I heard raised voices eminating from my kitchen and decided to investigate.

I wandered warily into my kitchen and found Harry and Tess standing at opposite ends of the kitchen shouting at each other. I was completely taken aback.

"Tess just think about it" Harry pleaded "don't make any final decisions before we consider all other options".

"What other options are there harry?, Tess exclaimed "I can't take care of a baby, O can barely take care of myself. You don't want this baby either and you know it! Thats why we're saying its Austin's"!

"What the hell is going on here" I gasped. They both diverted their eyes and quietened. "Tell me now" i growled.

They reluctantly told me the whole story. They told me how it was not a drunken fling between Tess and Austin that had resulted in Tess's pregnancy. But a drunken fling between Tess and Harry. I couldn't believe my ears, how could they be so stupid.

"You have to tell everyone" I said eventually "their going to find out eventually and its better it comes from you then someone else".

A look of panic flashed across both of their faces and they sat up. "We can't" Harry whispered "it has to stay a secret".

"You can't tell anyone" Tess pleaded "If people find out it will complicate both of our lives and mess up our futures".

"Ok, i whispered "i'll keep your secret".


And thats what i've been doing ever since, keeping their secret. Zayn stroked the side of my face.

"Babe, you ok"?, He questioned suddenly noticing how quite I'd gotten

"never better", i remarked lying through my teeth.


Gah! So There you have it Lovies Harry and Tess had a fling but will Kasey find out or will their 'little' secret stay hidden.


I follow back and will read anything you want too <3 xx

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