Chapter five.

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Corvus soon discovered that Sirius had some severe attachment issues. He supposed that it made sense, given that he had been alone for twelve years, but it was nothing short of annoying, especially when Sirius insisted that he follow Corvus home and sleep in his living room – as if he even had one of those.

"No Sirius," Corvus sighed, "I just. . I can't."

"Of course you can." Sirius huffed, "You have a house, no? And I'm your brother. What's the matter? Do you have some secret girlfriend you don't want me to know about?"

Corvus ran a bony hand over his gaunt face, his eyebrows pinched in irritation. "You overestimate my social abilities." He slapped one of his brothers hands away from where it was poised by his cheek, "And stop poking my cheek, I'm not a baby anymore."

Sirius's teasing smirk melting off his face. "No, I suppose your not." He grunted. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, I just. . . I missed you Corvus, and I. .I-I've been a terrible older brother. I want to make it up to you."

Corvus sighed. Sirius looked up at him through large, child-like eyes, glistening with desperate tears. For a person who always seemed so strong, so invincible, it was unnerving to see him appear so. . .weak. Corvus had never seen his elder brother appear so vulnerable, it dragged a dagger through his abdomen. The more conscientious, principled side of his mind was begging to let him stay, to get to know Sirius, find out how he had spent his youth. Find out where he had been hiding during those long five, war stricken years that had sealed his fate. But he just couldn't.

"Sirius, look at me." Corvus decided to pull the chronically ill card, "I just. . .I can't."

Sirius regarded him with a passive look. He reached a hand out, hesitated slightly, then placed it firmly on Corvus' shoulder. "Then let me help you. You're my brother, let me do this for you."

Corvus placed his own hand on top of his elder brothers, a soft, knowing smile plastered across his face. "I'm sorry Sirius, but helping me now will not makeup for the years lost. Concentrate on yourself, ok? I will be fine. I always have been." He reached forward and gently tucked a strand of Sirius' matted hair behind his ear. He sighed and heaved himself to his feet, wincing ask his back popped unpleasantly. Sirius' face fell, and if he had been a dog Corvus was sure that his ears would drooped pathetically; even in his human form, he seemed to resemble a kicked puppy. Corvus couldn't just leave him.

"You can stay for today – sleep and er. . .clean yourself up. I think I have some clothes you can borrow."


Corvus rolled his eyes. "Really."

And that was how Corvus Black ended up crouched over his elder brother, battling with his mass of matted hair. They were sat on the floor (Corvus refused to let Sirius anywhere near his bed in fear of him dirtying the white sheets – not that they were the cleanest to begin with.) a small pocket mirror leaning against the wall with Sirius curled up in front of it, sitting surprisingly obediently as Corvus frustratingly stared at the back of his head.

"Why don't you just us magic?" He inquired for the fifth time in a minute.

"I don't know where my wand is." Corvus replied, which wasn't actually a lie, he had lost his wand somewhere. "Stay put, I'm going to get more conditioner."

Sirius just nodded.

Sighing, Corvus stood and hobbled over to the bathroom, ignoring the way his head was spinning and his eyes were blurring around the edges. He tried to ignore staring at his reflection as he hurried in and out of the tiny room, grabbing the nearest bottle of conditioner – well, he hoped it was conditioner – and darting back out again, slamming the door shut behind him. He didn't lift his eye-line up again until he was sat down firmly behind a confused Sirius, who watched him closely but decided not to pry.

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