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Snoozie and Snelly Apple are twins. They live in a beautiful yellow house on the hill with a red car parked outside. Smoke always coming out of their chimney, sounds of mother and father arguing, Snoozie and Snelly fighting, the aunties having discussions, grandma teaching discipline and reading stories, the sister-in-laws continuously arguing, Richy on unholy sites, and their half-sister Nicotine falling in love with a bunch of guys.

How did they get here, however? How did they become so wealthy? Learn about the sad backstory of the Apple Family. 

The Apple Family were very gifted. It started with a women name Alstina. She was a very gifted young lady. Long luscious hair, wealthy, and always had a fine gown. However, this wasn't what made her so gifted. Alstina had a gift, she was enchanted. She once met a dragon. The dragon said "Alstina Apple, I am giving you the consequential responsibility to take care of these twins. The one on the right is Snoozie and the one on the left is Snelly. You must keep them safe. Trust me, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself. These children when fully grown, will reward you with a gift. You must provide them a good life" At that, the dragon disappeared. 

Alstina had the twins in her arms. She raised them and provided them a good life for a while. She had a tall and strong husband who was always by her side, Bronto. Until one day, her husband was at the club gambling away all their savings. They no longer had enough food to get even a single loaf of bread. Fed up, Alstina divorces Bronto. However, Bronto gets the children. Alstina moves in with her mother worried about her children. (Alstinas new last name is Flipflops)

A few years after Alstina meets a new man. His name was Khandonkey. He was quite the opposite of Bronto. He was short but very smart. He spent his money wisely and had a restaurant running.

How were things going with Bronto and the twins? 

Well, they were going much better than planned. 

Not having anyone to depend on for the kids made Bronto much more responsible. He grew a great bond with them. The twins were so young that they had no memory of their father's foolishness and their mother's beauty. However, they got their traits. Snoozie was very beautiful like her mother and was very good at running their new business like her father. Snelly was foolish like his father and naive like his mother. But they both were enchanted!

One day, Snoozie and Snelly were playing in the woods. Until a large shadow appeared...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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