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A subtle breeze soared through the clear sky.
Butterflies danced among the tall, swaying grass. Playful children chased after one another, filling the air with their joyous laughter.
This was the city of Mondstat. The city of freedom. The land blessed by the gods up above. No darkness could ever creep into the corners of such high, towering buildings. For the citizens had built up the walls with their strength, and layered every brick with their own unwavering courage.
A shield stood firm on the symbol of Mondstat, held by the brave few that protect the city. All evil cowers in fear when faced with the knight's sharp blade and glistening armor. At least that's the story that floats amongst small talk from lands far away. Or it's the story that attracts dwelling tourists to the dandelion countryside.
But none of them can see beyond those firm walls, not even the city's own citizens.
Some evil,
still manages to break it's way through the seemingly strong walls of Mondstat.
Those who are acknowledged by the gods heroically fend off that evil, their divine element at their side. While those who's existence are overlooked, are left behind in the burning ashes.
This is the city of Mondstat.

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