Pete & Pep

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tw: implied underage drug use
"DEADPOOL?? Like, as in, mercenary Deadpool!?"

"Ex-mercenary," Peter corrected.

"That's not any better," Tony groaned. His mind was running a mile a minute.
May died?

Nobody remembered Peter??

What'd he mean by 'bad habits?'



This kid was going to be the death of him.

"Okay. That's a lot to take in, your world is.. overwhelming."

"Whaaaatt? No way! Who would've thought!?" Peter replied sarcastically, laying his head against the couch cushion.

"Watch your mouth, webs. I'll ground you."

"Oh I'm terrified."

Tony sighed. "You're a little shit," he said with an eye roll.

"That's a new o—"

Peter was cut off by the sound of the elevator dinging.
He sprung up, watching the doors open in anticipation.

Pepper, Morgan, and Harley stepped out.
Peter's eyes welled, he hadn't seen Pepper and Morgan since just before his trip to Europe.
He looked over at Tony, as if to say, "what do I do?"

Tony pushed his head down, out of view and shielded by the couch cushions.

"Hey, Pep."

"Anthony. What did you do now?"

"Ahh, I know how much you love surprises.."


Tony moved his hand, and Peter popped back up.
Pepper screamed, and dropped her purse. Harley rolled his eyes. What was his problem? No doubt Harley knew that Peter had 'died,' so why was he acting like this?
Morgan's eyes went wide when she heard her mother scream. She clung to Harley's pant leg, cowering behind him.

"Tony— Peter- What!? You brought him back from the dead!?"
Pepper rushed over to Peter and pulled him up into a hug, her arms wrapped around him protectively.

When Pepper came around, Peter never really had to wonder what it was like to have a mother.
(Not because May wasn't a mother figure to him— it just felt different with Pepper. May was his aunt, Pepper was Pepper.)

Her touch, soft and comforting enough to belong to an angel.
Her smile, reminded Peter exactly of his mother- or what he could remember of his mother.
Pepper took care of him when he was sick.
She cooked for him, she took him out for dinner dates when Tony cancelled out on lab dates for whatever reason, she bought him Christmas and birthday gifts.
Pepper had always felt like a mother to him. So when Peter Parker was erased forever, it crushed him to lose her, too.

Alongside everyone else he'd loved.

When Peter met her eyes, he was shocked to see her crying.

"I missed you too," he whispered with a wobbly voice.
He was close to breaking, like a clay plate that'd been in the kiln for far too long.

Pepper broke away from Peter to look at him. She brushed the hair away from his face, staring at her boy who'd grown up without her; her boy who'd slipped through her fingers.

"Look at you, you're all grown up." She said with a sad smile. Pepper pulled one hand away from him to wipe away her tears.

Peter only smiled,

he was home.

Peter looked to Morgan.

"Hey Morgy-Moo. Morguna. Morgannosaurus rex." Peter teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"My mom said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers.." She whispered.

Peter's heart broke. How could he have forgotten? He died during the battle, not Tony. He never got the chance to get to know Morgan. He was a stranger to her. Just like everyone else back on his universe.
He gulped, "right, well, I'm Peter."
He offered a smile, and a wave, to which she shyly waved back.

Harley cleared his throat, "we should get going."

Pepper nodded. "I'll see you two later. Peter, don't die. Tony, don't let Peter die."

Peter's nose scrunched as she pressed a kiss to his and Tony's foreheads.

"Be safe, I'll be back in an hour," and with that, they left.

"So, Pete. What'd you mean by 'bad habits?'"

Oh, fuck

schools a pain i'll read over this tmr
ily drink water mwah

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