Prologue: The Start of Freedom

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Outside people began to panic. They said things like 'It's a titan,' or ' but the wall is 50 meters tall.' The two girls, teenagers, sat still as the ground rumbled and people began to scream. Sounds of pounding footsteps barreled closer as the screams of terror grew louder. The sound sent the younger of the two into a flash back.

She was only five, visiting an outer wall town with her parents for the first time. She had no idea of the monsters just on the other side of that wall until the shouting started. The next thing she knew was blood and screams. She stood in her once pure white dress that was now tainted with the crimson liquid of her parents. Bodies and destroyed buildings surrounded her, as she had neither words nor way to comprehend what was going on.

She was saved; at least she thought she was. Scooped up by some strange man who carried her from the immediate danger to a new one.

Her present self narrowed her brown eyes as she shook the memory from her mind. The girl sitting next to her looked over at her with her strange red eyes.

"It's just like that time ten years ago," the second girl whispered so no attention was drawn to their hiding place.

"No. This time we're older and know what these things are. What they can do," the first girl said as she clutched a golden key that hung from a string around her neck. "This time we won't be experiments. This time we're free."

The second girl frowned, "Mary, do you really think that were free? I mean were trapped behind these walls as outcasts."

Mary smiled at her friend. "We are free, Lumi." Another rumble went off from the opposite direction of the first. "That was them breaking through wall Maria. No one can live there now and will have the entire place to ourselves. We could raid a now abandoned troop house, learn to fight, and kill the monsters that kill so many."

Lumi's frown turned into a smile. "I guess your right. We are free, free to be ourselves. Free to do whatever. Free to leave this house. Free."

The two girls smiled and listened to the sound of what would soon die down and open up their freedom.

The Free Ones (Attack on Titian)Where stories live. Discover now