Chapter 5: Juliet

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I have the day off today meaning I get to do nothing but hang out with the triplets all day. I gave them a bath last night but it's weirdly warm today for October so I plan on playing with them outside. They will just have to have another bath later.

My father still never came home and even though a big part of me hopes he never comes back I can't help the small part of me that is worried. Its not that I care if he's okay but I am worried that people will start to pick up on the fact that he's not here and someone will call child protective services to take the triplets.

Pushing that thought away I head to the nursery and pick out some clothes the triplets can get dirty in.

After changing all three of them i walk them out the front door to play in the yard.

Thankfully our yard has a small fence around it so they can't walk off anywhere. Even trying my best to pay attention to all three, one always manages to get into something they shouldn't. I fill the small kiddie pool we have up with the hose and place each baby in tossing in some water toys.

"Hey Juliet"

I jump and turn around seeing Jameson Odell standing against the outside of the fence.

"Hi Jameson" I say while glancing back over at Amos's house seeing him and Blade Anderson on the porch.

"Oh wow you remember me?" He chuckles

"Of course I remember you Jameson, we were in the same class since kindergarten" I say, why wouldn't I remember him?

"Oh right, right yeah, well uh anyway I was just wondering what you were doing today? I thought maybe you'd like to go to lunch with me?" He rubs the back of his neck glancing between me and the ground.

All I can do is stare at him because I can't tell if he's serious or not. He's probably not, guys like Jameson would always tease me in school and ask me out as a joke. In fact he has even done this to me before. In school once he asked me for my number and instead of giving him the satisfaction of an answer I just walked away.

"I can't but thanks" is all I say because even though I know he's making fun of me I still can't manage to be actually rude to him.

"Oh. Okay. Uh well I'll see you around I guess" he says and turns to walk away. For a second there was a flash of emotion behind his piercing blue eyes but it was gone just as fast as it appeared.

Not thinking any more of it i continue playing with the babies in the water. Renee has crawled out and made her way over to the fence looking through the white pieces of wood toward Amos's house. I watch as she sticks her arm through the fence waving and giggling. Glancing up I see Amos leaning over his porch railing with a goofy smile waving back. Jameson and Blade are heading toward Blades car. Did they really just stick around so Jameson could pretend to be interested in me? I guess so.

I can't help but imagine what it would be like to have someone in my life that could love me for me and even more love the triplets. Playing with them, making them laugh, being there to tuck them in at night.

Shaking my head I drop the fantasy because that's exactly what it is. A fantasy. Something that will never happen. Amos is just being neighborly and I wouldn't be surprised if he was just like his new friends. Narcissistic douche bags with god complexes. Not that I can blame them because even though they are assholes they are gorgeous men and they know it. Probably why they all stay single opting to sleep around than have girlfriends.

I pull Ryan and Rose out of the water so they can dry a bit before we head inside for lunch. I go to grab Renee so they are closer together and easier to watch when I notice Amos walking towards us. Picking up Renee I hold her on my hip as Amos approaches.

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