Chapter 3: Juliet

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One month later

I get into my car after work with the triplets. I let out a long sigh of exhaustion with my eyes closed and lay my head back on the head rest. I hear the triplets start to giggle at themselves, making me open my eyes and smile at them in the review mirror.

I go to start my car, so ready to get home, and instead of starting I'm met with the engine clicking. I turn it off and try again giving it some gas. Again I'm met with the clicking engine. I guess I'm walking. I don't have the money to call a tow truck and I don't have anyone I can call to come help me. I get out of my car and grab the stroller out of the trunk.

After getting the triplets in the stroller I grab my bag and keys, locking the car and begin my hour long walk. It's a little over 5 miles from my house so nothing too terrible, especially because I'm a fast walker.

Before getting my car I used to walk to work so I know my way back home easily. It's much faster to drive and I had to get used to not leaving for work an hour and a half early for my shift. I always got to work 30 minutes early when I would walk just to cool down and rest for a little before being back on my feet. In the summer it was the worst. Here in my very small town in Georgia not only does it get hot in the summer but it gets humid causing me to show up to work sweaty and sticky.

By the time I'm a block away from my house the triplets are asleep in the stroller and my feet and back are killing me. I'm thankful I didn't have to work a double today and got off around 1 this afternoon. I don't know what I would've done if it would've been dark out and I had to walk home with the babies.

My home town, Blairsville, is a good town to live in. Lots of families here and tourist. Our only real attraction is being close to the Appalachian Trail, Chattahoochee National Forest and Blue Ridge Mountains. Everyone who visits here is some sort of nature buff. Even though it's a nice town I don't trust what hides in the dark.

I am a few houses down the street from my house when I see my new neighbor Amos and his friends in the front yard.

He is obviously a much better people person than I am with how fast he made friends here, while I have lived here my whole life and only have one "friend", Alexandria, who is a 25 year old woman who I work with. I'm almost 19 but still a little young to hang out with her outside of work beings that I can't get into any of the bars in town.

As I walk past Amos's house I hear "Juliet!" I jump slightly not expecting to hear someone yell my name and glance over at his house. I see him start to jog over to me, leaving his three friends on the porch.

"Hey Amos" I say once he reaches me.

He glances down at the triplets and with a big smile he says "Who are these little cuties" then squats down to be at their level.

I watch as Renee reaches out and grabs the finger he's holding out to her. I lean over and see that she's the only one awake out of the three.

I smile down at them "That's Renee, the other girl is Rose and the boy is Ryan. They are my siblings."

He looks up to me with a shocked expression "Your siblings?"

I knew that was coming. Everyone assumes the triplets are mine but I can't really blame them with how alike we look and the obvious age difference between us.

"Uh yeah" I say not knowing how else to reply.

"Well they are just about as adorable as you" as soon as he says that his eyes shoot up to mine and red creeps into his face.

There's an awkward silence between us for a moment when I don't know what to say. My social anxiety and just plan awkwardness taking over. I smile down looking at the triplets "Yeah they are pretty adorable" completely ignoring that part about me. I know he didn't mean it like that so there's no point in commenting on it.

He chuckles lightly and says "Do you want to come hang with us? A few of my buddies from the gym are here"

"Oh uh I can't I have to get the babies some lunch and a bath but thanks" heat runs up my face in embarrassment. Not that I'm embarrassed of the triplets but that fact that I can't just hang out like a normal 18 year old makes me feel self conscious.

"Yo Amos get back over here!" One his friends yells from the porch. He has dirty blond hair and a handsome face but once he makes eye contact with me it turns hard and I can feel his blue eyes piercing into me. Weird.

"Coming! Well maybe next time then. Have a good afternoon Juliet" he says as he turns to walk back to his porch. God to be a normal 18 year old and get to spend time with him and actually have a chance.

I walk into my house relieved that there is no sign of my dad here. He's hasn't been home in three days and for that I am grateful.

I get the triplets in their chairs and put some baby cereal and to hold them over while I cut up some fruit for them.

I pull a knife out of the drawer and grab a banana, strawberries and grapes. Cutting them all small enough to prevent choking. I spilt it between them evenly and walk back to clean up my mess.

My eyes stay caught on the knife for a moment but I quickly lose the thought when I here the giggles behind me.

I turn around smiling at them. God I love these kids.

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