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"Lone Whisperer"

In the cemetery, the group gets in position to kill the whisperers as they whisper around them

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In the cemetery, the group gets in position to kill the whisperers as they whisper around them. Jane looks around with her Halberd in her hand as her breathing becomes uneven after seeing a human wearing walker skin to blend. Dog barks bringing the walkers closer and Jane or the rest of the group can't tell weather they're regular walkers or walker imposters. "Go. Now" Michonne says as her and Jane stand side by side while Aaron prevents Jesus from reanimating and the others in the group start leaving out of the gate.

More walkers continue to arrive so the group is forced to carry Jesus' body. Once they carry Jesus's body away they lock the gates and continue there journey. Jane can't help but look down at Jesus's dead body and know that he died while they were on bad terms.

While the group continues on the road, Michonne helps Eugene walk while Daryl and Aaron carry Jesus's dead body. Jane walks ahead of them with Silas by her side. "Are you okay?" Silas asks as him and Jane keep high alert and check their surroundings. "Yeah, great" Jane says as she grips her weapon in her hand while the group continues to walk together.

"Dumb question?" Silas asks and Jane looks over at him. "Very" Jane says and a smile forms on Silas face making one form on Janes but Jane quickly cleared her throat and dropped her smile. "Who the hell would do this?" Yumiko asks as her and Magna begin to catch up. "Crazy people" Jane answers as she continues to look at her surroundings. "She's right. It's full-on batshit" Magna says as she walks past Jane but not before giving Jane a quick glance which made Janes heart skip a beat.

"What do we do?" Yumiko asks as the group stops for a second and chooses a different route. "Keep moving, I'm guessing" Silas shrugs before him and Yumiko catch up with the rest of the group.

A couple hours went by and Michonne, Jane and Daryl walked ahead of the rest of the group who rode with the horses instead. "Where did you find that group?" Jane asks as she looks to Michonne. "I didn't. Judith did and she vouched for them" Michonne answers and Jane looks back seeing Magna looking in her direction but quickly looks away once she catches Janes stares. "Oh.." Jane mumbles as she turns to face ahead of her.

"I was thinking... Jesus could be buried at Hilltop. It's his home and he help build it. I figured it's the best place" Jane declares and Michonne and Daryl nod their head in agreements thinking it would help everyone have closure, even Jane. Suddenly, the group notices a small group of walkers nearby. Daryl corners them on a bridge and uses his crossbow to see who are Whisperers. He hits one in the leg and the man falls down screaming in pain, attracting walkers to him. The rest try slowly escaping to the other side, where Michonne, Jane and Silas are waiting for them.

The whisperers draw their knives, ready for attack whole Jane, Michonne and Silas do the same. "This is gonna be fun" Silas says as he rushes to one of the whisperers who swings their knife at him. Jane notices the other one rushing towards Silas but Jane intervenes and kicks her in her stomach swinging the axe part of her weapon into the women's head roughly, killing her instantly while Silas pushes the other one up against the wall of the bridge and punches them in their face multiple times before using their own knife to stab them in their stomach. Silas removes the knife from the whisperers body and quickly pierces it through its head and pushing the person onto the ground.

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