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"Strong Survive"


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A pregnant Michonne returns to the bridge like she has for the last eight months trying to find any sight of Rick. Michonne didn't want to believe he was dead so she would go out and find an sign of life of him or at least closure. Jane on the other hand was tired. Tired of losing the people she loved so she went out there too and it didn't matter if she found him alive or dead. She needed to find something to find peace in the whole situation.

As Jane walked through the woods she ran into Daryl and her and Daryl ran into Michonne. "He ain't out here" Daryl says as all three of them look to each other. "I followed this to the ocean and back. Nothing out there" Daryl states and Jane sighs as she walks towards Michonne who looks away as she tries to process everything.

"You okay?" Jane asks and Michonne sighs as she looks over to Jane. "This one's been kicking the shit out of me every morning at 4. Can't sleep anyways" Michonne says making Jane chuckle as she looks down at Michonnes belly. "Babies will do that to you" Jane says as she kicks the dirt under feet.

"Judith's been wondering where Aunt Jane and Uncle Daryl are. It's been forever since we've seen you both at Alexandria" Michonne states and Jane sighs as she looks around the woods. "Well, I don't plan on coming back any time soon" Jane says and Daryl nods his head slowly.

"I'll be back when I find something" Daryl states. "I ain't ever gonna stop looking" Daryl assures before he starts to walk away. "You okay being alone?" Michonne asks and Daryl nods his head and sighs lightly before walking away for good

"I better get going" Jane sighs as she starts to walk away. "Jane" Michonne calls out and Jane turns her attention to Michonne and squints due to the sun. "I know he loved you and I know you loved him" Michonne admits and Jane clears her throat as she looks away from Michonne sadly knowing what she said was true.

"He loved you too, I don't doubt that for a second" Jane confesses before sending a smile Michonne's way. "Yeah..." Michonne mumbles before Jane leaves her presence and walks through the woods alone.

Days later, Daryl came by Hilltop to let Jane know what happened to the kids at Alexandria and Jane was shocked and agreed to go with Daryl to help Michonne on her mission to find the kids. While the three of them travel through the woods it is clear Michonne isn't feeling so well Daryl calls for a break. "I agree, you should rest" Jane says and Michonne sighs as Jane helps her take a seat on the swing sets.

"We'll find her" Daryl reassures as him and Jane take a seat next to Michonne. "I cant believe this. She was a friend, you know?" Michonne states referring to the women Jocelyn who took Judith and other kids from Alexandria.

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