April 20th

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Jay~ Happy birthday to you!!" Jay was now 8 years old. "Your now 8 Jay, make a wish!" Heli said. Heeseung watched as his friend held his hands together, shutting his eyes closed, hard. "Done!" jay jumped up from the chair, "Can we eat the cake now Auntie?" Heeseung looked at Mrs.Ahn. "Please?" Heeseung asked with his doe eyes. She laughed. "Of course!" Heeseung watched as the ice cream cake was cut, the vanilla ice cream a tad melted. "Oh no! The ice cream is melting!" Jay said, with a pout on his face. "That's alright, it still looks good tho" Mrs.Ahn said, pulling paper plates and forks out.

The party was very small. It consisted of Heeseung, Mrs.Ahn, Jay, Heli, and Heli and Heeseung's dad. "Here ya go Heeseung hyung!" "Thank you Jay" Heeseung took a big bite out of the cake, enjoying every little bit of it. "I picked out this flavor because you said you liked it hyung, and I wanted to try it" Jay said. Heeseung gasped. "What!? You should've gotten something you liked, it doesn't matter what I like" Heeseung said. "But it does taste good!" Jay said. Heeseung nodded. "That's why im not that mad" Heeseung said, throwing the plate away. "Wanna go play with my presents upstairs?" Jay said. "Sure, I brought Mr.Corn over also!"


May 12th

"Ow, why'd you do that?!" Heeseung shouted as his bully, Seonhee, pushed him to the floor. "Stay away from Jay, freak!" Heeseung frowned. "Hes my best friend, so no!" Heeseung got up and pushed Seonhee. "Heeseung...?" Heeseung turned to see Jay. "Jay! You won't-" "Ow! Why'd you push me Heeseung! I just asked if you wanted to eat lunch with me" Heeseung saw as Seonhee ran up to Jay. "You shouldn't hang out with a bully Jay" Seonhee ran away. "I didn't do anything! I swear!" Jay shrugged. "I don't care, shes probably lying, you wouldn't hurt somebody without them hurting you or somebody else first" Jay said, grabbing Heeseung's bag and running off with it. "Lets go inside!" 

May 13th

"I told you to stay away from Jay, yet you didn't listen, you want me to hurt you again?!" Seonhee yelled. "But hes my best friend, why would I stay away from him, if you like him then you like him, why is any of my concern of who he likes and who you like?" Heeseung said, walking outside to see Jay waiting for him on the swings. "What took so long hyung?" Jay looked at Heeseung. "Nothing" Heeseung sat next to Jay, setting his bag down. "You know you can tell me anything, right hyung? Were best friends!" Heeseung nodded. Jay was still little, so he wanted to make sure nothing happens to him. "Come here Jay" Heeseung saw as Jay got up from the swing and stood in front of  him. Heeseung leaped up and hugged him. "I'm glad your my friend, my first friend!" Heeseung said, hugging him tight. "Me too hyung,  i promise to never leave you"

June 16th

"Look at this hyung!" Heeseung saw as a dog passed by as they were walking to Heeseung's house. It was a big white fluffy poodle. Jay ran up to it and hugged it, giggling. "Jay!" Heeseung ran up to Jay who just hugged the poodle. "Jay, don't just hug the poodle without permission" Heeseung pried Jay off, him pouting and clutching onto Heeseung's backpack strap. "Sorry" Heeseung said, the stranger just smiled and walked away. "Come on Jay"

June 23rd

Heeseung saw as Jay smiled at the cartoon playing on the laptop. "Do you wanna play with stuffed animals? I convinced my father to get me some" Heeseung said, getting up and grabbing a few stuffed toys. "No thanks, I wanna watch this" Jay said, eyes glued to the television. Heeseung groaned, grabbing Mr.Corn and sitting down in his bean bag chair, grabbing his note pad to scribble and draw on it. "Hyung?" Heeseung looked up, Jay was sitting in front of him, the laptop closed. "Yes Jay?" "Lets go through your stuffed animals now!" Heeseung smiled, getting up and pulling a bin full of stuffed animals out.  "Woah! You got a baby corn!" Jay pulled it out. "You can have it if you want" Heeseung said with a smile. "Really!? Thanks hyung!" Jay hugged Heeseung, him hugging back with a huge smile. "Hyung, can we go play outside with baby corn and Mr.Corn?" Jay asked. Heeseung nodded. "We can play with them in the garden"

July 4th

"Hyung, hurry up, the fireworks are going on now!" Heeseung ran into the living room, seeing the fireworks on the tv explode everywhere. Heeseung saw as Jay had sparks in his eyes. Heeseung looked back at the tv, reading the english letters on the tv. "Jay, what does it say?" Heeseung asked. "It says happy fourth of july" Jay said, looking at Heeseung, Heeseung looking at him. "Its sad" Heeseung said. "What do you mean?" Jay asked, turning back to the tv. "I mean, you don't get to see your mom or dad who travels everywhere for work, you having to come here to live with your Uncle and Aunt." Heeseung said. "Yeah, well you have it worse, I mean your mom literally died, you didn't even know" Jay stated. Heeseung shrugged. "I guess" Heeseung said, looking at the tv.

July 19th

"Hi mama!" Jay screamed into the mic, his face close to the tablet in his hands. A giggle came from the tablet, "Hi baby, how are you? Are you getting enough sleep, and Auntie told me you have a friend, ah what was his name now..." "Heeseung!" Heeseung ran out the bathroom, his toothbrush in his mouth, toothpaste and saliva running down his face. "Yesh ay?" Heeseung said. Jay laughed. "Look at you!" Jay pointed at the saliva and toothpaste going down his chin. "Be wigt back" Heeseung ran back into the bathroom, finishing brushing his teeth and washing his face. "Okay, is there anythign you need Jat?" Heeseung walked over to him. "This is my mom!" Jay shoved the tablet into Heeseung's face, making him stumble back. "Oh, Hi!" Heeseung smiled and waved. "Hi, you must be Heeseung right?" Jay's mom said in english, taking Heeseung a few moments to translate through his brain before nodding with a thumbs up. "My name is Heeseung and im 7 years old! turning 8 in 3 months!" Heeseung said proudly in english. " Wow, your english is very good Heeseung" Jay's mom giggled when he saw Heeseung in shock when she talked in Korean.

October 15th

Heeseung laid in his bed, crying as his father and brother faught downstairs. He thought his birthday would finally be perfect, as all his other ones were either forgotten or not cared enough for. Heeseung looked out the window, hearing a knock on it. He saw Jay jumping up and down with his hands in the air making silly faces. Heeseung giggled and opened the window. "Hi" Heeseung said, sniffing. "You wanna stay at my house for the night, it doesn't seem like your house is good right now" Jay said, flinching at a glass shattering. Heeseung nodded. "Let me pack a bag first, wanna come in?" Heeseung opened his window more, making space for Jay to crawl in. "Why do your father and Brother fight?" Jay asked, sitting on Heeseungs bed. "I dunno, i can't comprehend half of the words they say" Heeseung picked up Mr.Corn, shoving him in his bag. "Fucking hell! If you really cared then why'd mom die?!" Heeseung stopped for a moment, sighing and then going back to packing his bag for the night. "Heli, she died because of a bad immune system, plus you don't know anything, your only 11!" Heeseung continued, picking up random thing and shoving them in his bag, tears streaming down his face. "Thats not what the doctor told me, and it doesn't matter how old i am!" Heeseung hiccuped, holding his cries in. "What did the doctor say!?" Heeseung zipped his bag up. "They said she was abu-" A scream was heard, Heeseung started crying, Jay going to him and hugging him. "Why would you stab me?!" He heard Heli yell. "My family was, and is still so messed up" Heeseung cried. "I don't even think they realize its my birthday, they never celebrate my birthday, they only argue" Heeseung spat out. Jay just hugged Heeseung tightly. "Lets go, we can come back tomorrow" Jay held Heeseung's hand, leading him to the window and crawling out with him, running to his house.

November 3rd

"Sorry, still grounded" Heeseung said from the window. "Why? You won't tell me why your grounded" Jay huffed, frowning. "Its cuz I was up late" Heeseung lied. He was grounded because he went to Jay's house that one day. "Oh, well when are you ungrounded?" Heeseung thought for awhile. "I think sometime next month" Heeseung said. Jay whined. "Hey, but at least we can talk through the window" Heeseung smiled. "I guess so"

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