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"Where am I?" 

She looked around, but all she could see was black and a strange glowing wall. 


She been saying this for days, but no response ever came. Still she persisted.

"Anyone here?"

She was tired and very hungry. Two things that would make someone mad, but she was too desperate to get out to feel any emotion.


She looked around for one last time and shrank back into the corner which she had called home. A strange feeling took over, a numbing feeling that started at her stomach then spread until she couldn't feel her body. This wasn't the first time that this had happened so she closed her eyes and excepted her fait. 

"Well that was a waist. You owe me for the waist of my time."

"Give her a minute"

She then opened her eyes. Her hunger was gone and she was no longer tired, so she stood and walked around for an exit. 

"Incredible! How much?"

"Don't ever doubt me again and you can take her for free. I need this space for something else."

She tried to follow the voices, but they were difficult to track from the room she was in. Suddenly the glowing wall in front of her began to go down. She raced towards it not caring what would happen. When the wall shrank down far enough she then jumped to the other side, and fell into a hot liquid. She tried to swim, but her body went numb from the heat. She then woke up in her corner.  

"Was it all a dream?"  She thought as she began to stand again. 

"Will she always be this jumpy?" She heard the voice say and looked in its direction. There was two men one is armor, the other in a business suit. They were on a moving platform over the liquid and getting closer. She tried to find a place to hide, but it was too late, the men had already gotten to this side. The man in the business suit walked towards her. He smelled like a recovering alcoholic with some resent relapses. The other man stopped him and went closer to her. 

"Hey, you don't know me and thats how it will stay, go with this man or there will be consequences." He flashed a sword that was attached to his belt loop, but no fear struck her. She decided to go with him, because she wanted to get out of the box. She faked being scared to make it look like she cared, but her memories were catching up to her.  

The suit man escorted her to a long cave that went on for what felt like miles. They walked in silence with only the sound of constant drips of water hitting the floor, but her mind was rushing. All the memories from her past life were being brought into light. She didn't react to her new knowledge. She feared that the man in the suit would question, but before long they reached their destination. 

It was another dark square room, but this time without the glowing wall. She made her way to a bed in the corner and sat down. 

"What are you going to do to me?" She looked at her feet alone. She didn't want him to notice the lack of fear.

"Experiments" He said calmly "You won't remember a thing, but you will feel everything."

She nodded softly then questioned "Why experiment on me?"

He paused then answered "You hold the key to immortality. You can't just keep that to yourself when there are people dying everywhere."

She started to pick up on little things trying to piece together this man's backstory. 

"He recently lost a loved one Then began to drink. He then got in a fight causing the scar on his face forcing him to try to regain control over his life. After that he met someone new and quickly got married to them due to the ring on his finger. That relationship must not be going too well since he is trying to find a cure of death. Either the new spouse is dyeing, or he is trying to revive the old one"

All these theories started to form in her mind leaving her in silence. When the man started to leave, she realized she needed more information. 

"What's your name?"

She didn't mean to ask that of all things, but she just wanted an excuse to get him to stay.

"Ya this is not going to happen. You can't know me."

He started walking towards the door, and she wanted to see how much she had gotten right. So she said everything that she had thought about the man. 

"You had someone you loved who died which led you to drunkenness. This caused a fight with someone which made you fix your life and get a new partner. This partner is dyeing and now you want a cure to fix her."

The man stopped and shook his head. 

"You know nothing about me" he said as he opened the door. "But you can call me Q" He then left the room.

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