Quirkless Revenge Becomes Their Savior

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(OS) = On Screen

"Now, who wants to see an Izuku Todoroki universe?" I asked purposefully confusing many.

"Is it a Todoroki and Deku ship or something?" Ashido asked curiously.

"Nope, that would be a tododeku universe." I corrected her. "I'll show it whether you want me to or not."

I started the universe without giving any information much to the chagrin of many.

(OS) Izumi's POV

(OS) We're here in the auditorium listening to Present Mic explain the exam when this dude interrupted him asking about the fourth robot and talking about a shameful mistake when he turns his attention to me and starts shouting at me causing me to cower away and try to shrink out of his sight. Katsumi upon seeing this got enraged and started yelling at the blue haired dude. It would have turned into a shouting match or worse had Present Mic not interrupted. In the end me and Katsumi were separated into different fake cities which made my fear skyrocket. I was waiting for the gate to open when the dude from before placed his hand on my shoulder causing me to scream in fear distracting everybody and drawing their attention to me and the dude which in turns makes things even worse.

"So it's a fem Deku and fem Bakugo huh." Nezu said. "What has made her so scared of people?"

"You'll know soon enough." I answered vaguely.

(OS) "You are too cowardly to be a hero so just go home." The dude ordered.

"Iida, if I find out you did anything similar in this universe you'll be in detention for a week." Aizawa said.

"He didn't, he just took leaps and bounds to wrong conclusions." I said before we all turned back to the universe.

(OS) I spotted the gate open and bolted through the crowd entering the exam area hearing everybody shout about cheating but I kept going wanting to get away from everyone so I took to the air by using my quirk on my feet to fly burning the shoes off of the uniform. I used this to stay airborne so that I could see if anybody needed help. I spotted a person who was quite injured, not lethal injuries just enough that they couldn't continue, so I flew towards them and landed near them and set to work with my golden flame to heal them. It didn't take long for them to be up and on their feet again running off to fight more robots while I went around healing other people.

"Jeez Kirishima, don't you know how to say thank you?" Ashido said.

Kirishima bowed his head in shame from that alt. version of himself.

"What is Ms. Midoriya's quirk in that universe?" Nezu asked.

"Pyrokinesis." I state. "Though it's much more than producing and controlling fire."

(OS) It's near the end of the exam and I've healed that one redhead at least three times. His quirk hardens his skin making it look like a rock another one I had to heal multiple times was a silver haired dude who's quirk turned his skin to steel. The just kept lunging at the robots not caring enough to dodge the robots attacks. Anyways, I'm about to sit down since I'm exhausted from using my quirk and a little overheated when the ground starts to rumble and I see everybody running my way and I freeze like a deer in headlights. I'm about to run with them but I hear two guys screaming for help. I see the two guys I've healed multiple times pinned by a large piece of rubble from one of the toppled buildings. I think of what I can do to help them when I remember one of my favorite hero's special moves. A flaming javelin and I copy it and spear the zero pointer through the head with a blue flaming javelin shutting it down immediately. I sprint to the dudes and help them lift the rubble before using my golden flame on them.

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