Chapter 5

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Julieta had begun to think that Bruno didn't know what being a "friend" was. Even after Pepa and Julieta told him how to talk and act around a girl, Bruno still couldn't get the courage to talk to Cassidy again. He seemed to think that it was enough to wave to her across the village square, or give her a smile as she walked by. That wasn't friendship. It was just being kind.

So, Julieta planned on a way to get them to talk.

It had been a couple of months since Bruno had agreed to be friends with Cassidy, and the Madrigal triplet's birthday was the next day. Julieta would be busy in the kitchen, and Pepa would have to focus on inviting everyone to come. Bruno was planning on staying out of the way, like he usually did for these celebrations, which was fine with him, Julieta knew. After he nearly set the whole house on fire with the decorative candles at their 13th birthday party, it was an unspoken agreement that he wouldn't do much to help out. Usually Julieta would be a bit sad for Bruno, but today she wasn't.

He was going to hang out with Cassidy. He was going to talk to her. And they were going to become real friends. And, Pepa and Julieta both hoped that they might grow into something more. They really liked Cassidy, and they could tell that she really liked Bruno.

A knock on the door broke her away from her thoughts, and she put the dough she was working on down on the kitchen counter. After quickly wiping off her hands she rushed to the door, smiling when she opened it, revealing a beaming Cassidy. She held a huge bucket in her hand with small brushes and bowls, quaking with excitement.

"Hey, Julieta! I'm so glad that you wanted me to work on the decorations for your party! I'm literally so excited!"

Julieta laughed, stepping back so Cassidy could walk in. She walked in with a spring in her step, her hair becoming messier than usual, and Julieta led her to the kitchen table.

"I'm going to be cooking in the kitchen, but you should have everything you need." The Madrigal said, gesturing to the paper and fabric that littered the table. "My Mama wants a few banners, one for each of us, plus some table decorations. Does that sound okay?"

Cassidy nodded, her smile never faltering. "Absolutely. I just need some water and I'll be good to go."

Julieta nodded and fetched some water from the kitchen, gesturing to Pepa as she walked by. Pepa's cloud, the cloud that had no doubt developed because of the pressure she faced with her tasks, soon dissipated at the sight, and made her own way to talk to Cassidy.

Julieta finished getting water and joined the two girls in the dining room, where they were both talking animatedly about the most recent sunset. Julieta set the bucket of water down and sat down across from her.

"So, are Félix and Agustín coming to your party?" Cassidy asked as she mixed a bit of the water with her colors. Pepa nodded.

"Yup! Both of them are, and I think that Félix is bringing his brother, too. It's going to be so fun!"

"Is your family coming?" Julieta asked, and Cassidy shrugged.

"I know that I'm going to, I'm not sure if my parents are planning on coming. I don't think they're really interested."

Julieta frowned. "That's a shame."

"I guess. But, they're the ones who are going to miss the party of the decade."

Pepa gave her a high-five. "Cheers to that!"

"Oh. I didn't realize we had a guest."

Julieta turned around in her seat, eyes wide, and a small bit of fog appeared over Pepa's head. Alma watched the three girls, holding a pot of flowers, seemingly deciding if this matter was one to be upset over. It was lucky that Cassidy hadn't learned to fear Alma Madrigal.

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now