The World of Sephiroth

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"I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose."

- a villain from another world.. 2021. 

"Report, 21:00 hours, Saturday Morning. So far the subjects have done nothing except look for ways to escape while devouring the pizza I have generously ordered for them. And yet, the one known as Parvarti's father continues to perform what I can only best describe as.. strange actions for one trapped here and yet on the same side as Sir Akira's agents."

Dragfeld spoke into her Cellphone as she eyed Akira, who was just staring at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"You know, I can hear everything you say." said Akira. 

"AGH!! FILTHY SPY!! EAVESDROPPING ARE WE!?" Dragfeld roared, pointing at Akira, her tail whipping around angrily. 

"Uh, Dragfeld, you aren't exactly good at being subtle." Ben's voice issued from the cellphone. "Plus you put me in speaker mode, like jeez."

"U-uh apologies my lord! Sh-should I be punished!?" stammered Dragfeld, her cheeks going pink. 

"N-no need for that." Ben muttered.  "Anyways, Parvarti's doing well, and today we should be thinking of a way to deal those guys in your custody..  no hard feelings Akira man.. actually lots of hard feelings, you're helping a shit dad abuse his daughter! Screw you!"

Akira let out a snort. "Oh you're rich. You never heard of the Greater Good have you?"

"The Greater Good." Ben echoed.

"What!?" Akira snarled.

"And YOU my man, have never watched Hot Fuzz." Ben replied.  "So what has Sai been doing? Starving himself in protest or something?"

"No.." Dragfeld stared at the interior of the restaurant where now agents were either cleaning their weapons, or lounging around boredly, others grumbling about how Dragfeld seemed to be so fast at figuring out their escape maneuvers.  "He's just been.. sitting there.. doing that thing I think Hanzo likes to do a bunch."

"You mean, meditating?" Ben muttered. "Huh never took him for the type."

You're telling me." Dragfeld muttered as she eyed Sai carefully.

Sai was indeed merely sitting in the center of the room with his eyes closed. Legs crossed, hands relaxed.  

"He hasn't eaten for 2 days, and his vitals have not changed." Murmured Dragfeld. "My Lord, I must admit I'm uneasy. I've interrogated this Akira vigorously and yet he won't reveal his secrets."

"Because I legitimately don't know anything." growled Akira. "If I believed that Sai had some sort of backup plan do you truly believe I would've sent Black Betty and her partner to go after you?  I don't throw all my chips out at once before I'm certain I don't have many options.  And Sai isn't the type of person to throw all his chips at once. I am certain he is planning something, no hiding that from you people, but to assume that I know anything about it, it's called the compartmentalization of information for a reason.."

At that moment, suddenly, Sai's body crumpled to the floor, his eyes opening and rolling back into his head as foam began to gurgle out of his mouth. 

"HOLD THAT THOUGHT!" Dragfeld stammered. "Sai is collapsing My Lord!"

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