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(y/n)'s eyes slowly cracked open, awakening from a dreamless sleep. As her eyes adjusted, she began to take in her surroundings. She was still in Cronus's room. She looked over at the sleeping mertroll. She'll admit, he was kind of cute when he slept. She looked over at her hand and found it was intertwined with his. Light pink dusted across her cheeks.

(y/n)'s eyes drifted over to his fins. She wondered what they felt like. Her fingers lightly brushed over them. They were surprisingly soft. A small smile made its way onto Cronus's lips as he snickered in his sleep. Was he ticklish? (y/n) grinned deviously as she tickled his fins. Cronus's eyes shot open as he began to laugh wildly. "H-hey! Cut it out kitten!" He laughed between breaths. Cronus grabbed (y/n)'s wrists and pinned her under him. "Attacking me wvhile I wvas sleeping? That's a lowv movwe."

(y/n) just smiled. "I was just curious about your fins. They felt...soft."

Cronus grinned wickedly. "Oh, so you wvere admiring my features? Is that it?"

She returned his wicked smile. "In your dreams fish boy."

Cronus pouted his lips, pretending to look hurt. It didn't work though. (y/n) crawled out from under him and got to work. It was her job as a 'slave' after all. After she had made the three men breakfast, she started on cleaning. Every one in a while Cronus would offer to help but she just shrugged it off saying, "When you've lived alone as long as I have, cleaning by yourself doesn't seem that hard anymore." Cronus would still refuse but in the end she cleaned everything all on her own. When she was finished, the ship looked brand new. Even Dualscar was impressed. He patted her on the head saying, "Nice job girlie. Ye can have a break."

(y/n) grinned happily at that. She's been down in the ocean for quite a while and it was nearly dark. It was the perfect time for a walk. (y/n) poked her head into Cronus's room. "Hey Cronus? I was wondering if you would maybe want to go on a walk with me?"

Cronus grinned, "Only if you do me a favwor wvhen wve get there."

(y/n) tilted her head, "And what would that be?"

Cronus didn't answer. He simply grabbed his guitar and said, "You'll see."

She was curious but just shrugged her shoulders and followed Cronus. Exiting the ship, she surprisingly didn't feel cold. Her body must have gotten used to the temperature. But her eyesight didn't. It was still very hard for her to see. Fortunately, Cronus laced his fingers together with hers, leading her out of the darkness. She hoped he didn't notice the light pink on her cheeks. He noticed anyway and a light purple dusted his face as well.

They continued their journey and eventually made it to the shore. It was the same beach where Cronus had found (y/n). Where he had saved her. This memory made (y/n) smile.

The two sat down on the sand together and looked up at the stars shining in the sky. (y/n) broke the silence. "So what was that favor you wanted from me?"

Cronus grabbed his guitar. "I wvanted to hear you sing."

(y/n) smiled, "Ok." At her cue, Cronus began to play a few chords to a random song. Fortunately, (y/n) knew this song well. It was Mermaid by Train. She smiled and her soft voice drifted through the air. She'd sing with her eyes closed until the very end. Cronus played the last cord and found that his eyes were locked onto hers with a look of awe. "What is it?"

Cronus seemed to find his voice. "That wvas...incredible."

(y/n) laughed. "Thank you Cronus." She scooted closer to him. He smirked and put his arm around her shoulders. The two sat together like that for a while, enjoying being by each other's side. He wanted to kiss her. He REALLY wanted to kiss her. But he knew if he did, he would be lengthening her time as a mertroll. What if she wanted to be human again and go back home? This thought made him sad. He didn't want her to go...because...because he loved her.

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