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It was far too late when Dualscar and Eridan had realized that Cronus was gone. They had woken up and he wasn't there. They had looked and looked but couldn't locate where he had run off to. No doubt, he had fallen for that girl he found. Filthy blood traitor. It's been 15 years now. Finally, after all this time, they found him. Now was the time to take revenge. To kill the girl and whatever filthy offspring they had made together. He would then willingly, or forcibly, return home to be sentenced.

Now, Dualscar sat across from Eridan, their fins splayed out in rage. Their crosshair guns finely sharpened and loaded. They made eye contact, nodding in agreement. They swam up, out the ship, and towards the surface, murder in their hearts. No traitor lives to tell the tale.


Cronus sat up gasping, his skin wet with cold sweat. His breath was ragged and fast.

"Cronus? Hey, what's wrong? You ok?" A sweet voice next to him asked.

Cronus looked down and relief washed over him like a wave. His wife sat next to him, clinging onto his arm. Even after 15 years, (y/n) was still as breathtaking as ever. Even with her messy (h/c) hair and her (e/c) eyes glossed over from sleep, she was gorgeous. "Just a bad dream. Don't wvorry bout it doll." Yet, he could still hear his wife and children's screams. See their blood run. The fear still prickled the hair on the back of his neck.

He looked out the window in their room. The sun had just begun to peak over the horizon. He had watched that sunrise with his family countless times. They were his most precious memories.

Just then, the door burst open and a laughing Serena jumped on top of her father. "Daddy! Mommy! Wake up!" Will stood in the doorway, a smile on his face.

Cronus hugged his daughter. "Good morning swveetie! So wvhat's today's request for breakfast?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Pancakes!" Serena and Will shouted in unison. After all, it was their favorite. (y/n) smiled, instantly getting up to begin breakfast. Cronus had tried to make pancakes one morning and nearly burned the house down. Since then, he's left the cooking job to (y/n) who was an amazing cook with everything she made. Another one of the countless things he loved about her.

After breakfast, Cronus, (y/n), Serena, and Will set out for the beach. They visited nearly every day and never got tired of it. Cronus was raised in the ocean after all. Even his children had inherited their fathers love of salt water. (y/n) enjoyed it just as much as he did.

The children had already begun to race each other to the shore, Will slowed down to allow his little sister to pass him. Once he caught up with her she said, "Will you cheater! You let me win!"

Will laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "No I didn't. You're just way too fast for me." He bent down and ruffled her hair.

Cronus and (y/n) sat down on the sand together, her head on his shoulder, as they watched their children with loving smiles on their faces. Everything was perfect. Or so he thought.

Suddenly, Cronus felt the cold, horrifying fear that his nightmare had given him. Something was coming. He stood up, panic in his voice. "Wvill! Serena! Get awvay from the wvater!" They looked back at him, confusion warped their happy faces. A split second later, a blue beam of light flew right by Will's head, singeing his hair. He immediately scooped his little sister up and made a break for his parents.

Cronus and (y/n) ran towards them. Will and Serena were pushed behind their mother, her arms wrapped protectively around them. Cronus yelled out towards the water. "Dualscar, Eridan! Stop!"

Deep Sea (Cronus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now