Kings Of The Game

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"So King C, we're apart of MTV's Behind The Music team and we're here to interview you, we cleared it up with your agent. Are you ready to do this?" Interviewer Alex Jones asked him. He nodded and adjusted his suit sitting down, preparing for this interview to go down. "Before we go any further, your manager has addressed that no question is off limits, can we confirm that with you " he asked. "I ain't got nothing, I'm afraid of saying publicly, let's do it " he confirms with a smile and they begin.

"So where do we begin. King C?" Alex starts. "Man you can call me C, its all good" CJ interrupts.  "C, let's talk about the beginning earlier on in your career. Now we first heard clips of you back in 1995/96 with the famous 'how to rob' and man lemme tell you man you made it clear that you wasnt taking no prisoners then we heard nothing from you, you went ghost for a while 'til Lucious Lyon came on the scene 3 years later with his debut album 'Paid In Cash' . What were you doing all that time and how come it took us so long for to hear you on the mainstream ?" Alex questions. CJ scratches his chin, grinning and chuckling "Man you asking me to go back something almost 15 years ago. The time between 'How To Rob' and 'Paid In Cash' I think spent most that time producing albums just tryna get paid, I did Pumpkin album, Mary Davis album and the singles. I was just busy. I founded my label Titan around I think 15 years old so the time of my hiatus I was just doing my own thing man working on artists then around '97/98 me and Lu hooked up, I had knew him through family of mine that he knew and we had connected from day 1 so we decided that it was time to start collaborating and producing on something special, something that we knew would knock 'em dead in that was birthed his album and mine. Those 3 years I took some self reflecting time and tried evaluate what my next move was or would be. Everywhere I went refused me or wanted to change me and my music. They all wanted the next big thing, the next Tupac or Biggie. Creedmoor had been aware of my work with Lu and  insisted on sending out multiple deals and offers to join them at Creedmoor with Lucious but I ain't get a good feeling from Billy Berreti. I just couldn't bring myself to trust him or anyone at Creedmoor. Then after awhile it was silent, it was dead which was Berreti's retaliation for rejecting him. All quiet until I got approached by Charles Floyd "CJ explained.

"Your relationship with Charles Floyd towards the end of your tenure at Floyd Entertainment soured. How did the close and personal friendship between you originally change and undergo the metaphorsise into the big fall out yall came to have and handle some publicly? 2005,I think we all remember the huge boycotting against Floyd Entertainment in New York City, LA and Atlanta that you started off. Man there was the buses, the blimps and even riots and protests.  The media and even Charles Floyd himself had deemed you as this villainous terrorist out for blood. " Alex asked shuffling the cards around. CJ smiled shaking his head, keeping his composure as this interview was to promote the new venture for his company. "Charles Floyd was like the father I missed growing up, we were close and I feel that he did teach me and show me a few things about the business that I didn't know or needed improvement on being a businessman and record executive myself but unfortunately it seems a popular travesty that major  corporate label head founders have to roll by stealing and trademarking all of the work that their artists produce, just like with what Creedmoor did to my brother Lucious. I was lucky to own all my music and productions before they had tried to make moves behind my back and tried to steal my work. You see when an artist spends days, weeks, months to years making their art . Putting blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice only for a label head or so called whoever can put the name on it and claim all they want to from it. I disagreed with Floyd Entertainment on that with my own work and as you all saw publicly it became a long tiring process before I left, one that I'm still battling as of this moment. I put my focus on rebuilding my label Titan, giving a chance to give back. Nurture and feed on everyone else's sound, let it be heard and protect artists from going the same scenario that myself and plenty of other recording acts have witnessed and been cursed to experience. " he answered. "Who was your first inspiration to music?" Alex asked his final question after showing a montage of events in CJ's life including this one of best friend and longtime collaborator Lucious Lyon.

 "Who was your first inspiration to music?" Alex asked his final question after showing a montage of events in CJ's life including this one of best friend and longtime collaborator Lucious Lyon

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"You know what I was into music alot as a kid but I became inspired to make music when I heard my sister in her group Mixed Harmony. Hearing her record with her partner Mary Davis 'Unlove You' awoke the monster that was ready to have the world feeding on his energy and made me dedicated to doing more than just producing as a hobby. The monster that this beast was born from. I wanted to produce, sing , rap and whatever I could do musically. It's because of my sister why I am here today and not behind bars fighting for my life, I owe her everything "  he revealed truthfully and they ended the interview after discussing his career more. He got up and went ahead to go do business at his label Titan.

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