Chapter 2

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PoV. Takemichi

I woke up to the doctor. ,,Good That You're awake Mister Hanagaki. I wanted to tell you that you can go home now." The Doctor stated. ,,I see. Then I will take my leave." He looked at me kind off pityful. I hate those eyes. Trying to comfort me? Fuck off.

,,We still need one last check up." I just nodded.

,,What did you mean with I shouldn't treat my savior this way?" I asked a question that lingered inside me for long.

,,Well As we arrived, you were short on breath and not breathing. That's why that black haired guy performed cpr." he stated and my mouth flew open. ,,That Bastard."


I walked inside the school and everyone was looking at me. Since it was summer I wore a light uniform that showed my arms and everyone saw that ugly burn scar I got from rescuing Akane. But it's fine since she is fine.

The only thing I hated was the obvious stares I got. I went inside the student council and was greeted by the members who had chocolates in their hands. ,,Welcome back President." They all said in a Chor. I let out a small smile as I accepted the gifts from them.

,,We were so worried when we heard you were in the hospital, president." The Vice President said with pityful eyes. Oh how I hate those eyes, but I shrugged it off with a smile. ,,Yeah. I saved someone from a fire and was uncautios and had a light fire burn," I said walking towards my seat placing down the chocolates.

A pile of documents was on the side desk and I sighed as I eyed it. So much work for me piled up in the three days. ,,Oh who forgot to send away the documents?" The Vice President asked angry and someone came and took the documents away. I was so confused because I was ready to work through that pile of hell.

,,In your  hospitalized time away, I was in charge for those and they all got piled up there. But no worry's I managed it." The Vice President said and I nodded. ,,Alright then, let me hear reports of the past three days before we close the meeting and meet again after the weekend." I commanded and various people stood up and started the conversation.


I wore a beige T-shirt over and then some baggy black jeans and I walked out of the the orphanage to spot two little kids. One looked like Kakucho the other was Izana.

Kakucho was crying and Izana was comforting him so I walked towards them and bend down. ,,What happened Izana, why is the poor new child crying?" I asked and Izana looked at me surprised. ,,Oh. It's you." He stated and looked up to me bored.

,,Who's that?" Kakucho asked while crying and I took his face and whiped the tears away. ,,Hey don't cry. Why are you crying?" I asked. Seeing my old childhood friend, in my original live, i felt like everything will be okay. ,,Kakucho. That is Takemichi the oldest in this orphanage and the one with most authority." He stated and then added with a childish playlist voice. ,,He is the favourrriiiite of our care takers."

I ignored that and still whiped Kakuchos tears. ,,Hey. Hey. Just tell me what happened." I asked and because Kakucho was looking down I turned my head to Izana. ,,Some bastards said his scar is ugly. I'm gonna beat those up if I find them. No one can insult my servant." I smiled.

,,Hey Kakucho. Don't listen to those. They are jealous because you are unique and beautiful with a scar like this." I said smiling brighter than before, which cheered him up a little. ,,Oh you also have a scar... it looks fresh" he said pointing on my arm and now even Izana realized it. ,,That wasn't here before."

,,Oh yeah. I got it three days ago. Ran into a burning house and saved a girl." I stated and Izana eyes widened. His purple amethyst dead eyes bored into me and I just smiled awkwardly at him. ,,Wow. Sugoi!" He stated and I sweat dropped. ,,I always thought you were lame and a coward."

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