-"° Chapter One - Suspicions °"-

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A/N: This is set after season 6, but the pack is aged down a year so they are all still in school.

August 3


Derek's Loft, Beacon Hills, California, U.S

12:16 AM

*~Derek's POV~*

I called a pack meeting, much to the Pack's dismay. I told them not to tell Stiles; it was about him. I was near the window, leaning on the desk. Scott, Malia Liam and Mason were sat on the couch/sofa in that order, with Scott holding Malia in a couple-y way, closest to me. Corey and Theo were sat at the table. The stool originally by the desk had been pulled over to the table, with Lydia on it. Jackson and Ethan were sat on the spiral staircase, leaning on eachother, and Isaac was leaning against a beam. I looked around at the groggy teens, some half-asleep. Some asleep, like Corey and Ethan. And some genuinely confused. Scott was giving me a slight glare as if to tell me to say why there was a meeting about Stiles behind his back. I gave him a glare back before clapping my hands loudly to wake everyone up. Ethan and Corey awoke with a jolt, Corey turning invisible in surprise. Theo nudged him from across the table and he turned back. Jackson scowled at me and the others looked annoyed at the loud noise. Weaklings.

 "I don't know about you, but Stiles is acting weird. Well - weirder." I said, earning a few confused stares. Scott looked at me to continue , still obviously angry.

 I sighed, annoyed, before speaking again,

 "Haven't you been using Chemo Signals? He gets triggered by literally anything!" I grumbled. They all looked even more flummoxed now.

 "What do you mean?" Scott asked, slight concern lining his scent.

 "He feels a massive amount of sadness when someone does or says one thing wrong." The pack stared at me, as if I was speaking another language. I groaned again.

 "The other day, I asked him about what his life was like before he met Scott, and he immediately changed the subject.." I heard a small but confident voice say from the couch. The whiny puppy, Liam, had finally understood. I nodded and pointed with my hand at him, signalling to the Pack, before they finally took notice.

 "Well.. One time I saw bruises on his back when he took off his jacket." I heard Isaac hesitantly say, fiddling with his scarf.

 Just in case you're confused, Stiles had never changed with the other lacrosse players, always running off somewhere to change and avoiding going in the boy's locker room. He made an excuse of 'it stinks'. He has never also taken his shirt off in front of anyone. And what Isaac saw was Stiles taking his hoodie off, making the t-shirt go up a bit. Also the bruises are from his binder when he put it on too tight - if that's possible.

August 3


Derek's Loft, Beacon Hills, California, U.S

12:21 AM

*~Third Person POV~*

 "One night when I went home, I was at the door and heard my mom/mum talking to Stiles about something, saying that he should be careful and to tell her if it happens again." Scott said, now playing with his hands nervously, drenched in worry for his best friend and brother, while Malia was patting his back.

Scott didn't notice, neither did anyone in the pack, but Malia and Lydia clocked what was happening and gave eachother a knowing stare. Both face-palming mentally. Lydia excused herself, keeping a steady heartbeat whilst lying that her mother wanted her back at 12:30. They let Lydia go and she went to Stiles' house to tell him about the meeting. Malia stayed behind to see what she could find out, to protect Stiles' secret until he was ready to spill. Lydia, Stiles and Malia had become close, unknown to the pack. If Heather was still here, she would be in their friend trio too. They were always secretly having sleepovers without Stiles having to worry about sneaking off into the bathroom every few hours to breathe, or without having to hide his chest when he wasn't wearing his binder. In reality, Stiles had, at a sleepover, not taken off his binder, nor had he gone for breaks, and Melissa scolded him for it, that's what Scott had heard. Stiles told Lydia and Malia, who laughed in a playfully mocking way, also warning him and reassuring him. Despite Stiles having a romantic past with Malia, Malia shipped Stydia and, along with Lydia, was Stiles' second best friend after Scott. Lydia and Stiles were official now, too.

The pack continued to discuss strange occurrences with Stiles until they were all thinking the same thing: was Stiles being abused?

HEY! I wanted to write this while I had the motivation, so sorry if it was rushed and I am going to go hang out with my brother now. Good day/night to you lovelies! Stay safe.

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