Chapter Ten

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Everything is so peaceful. I do my old routine in my past life. Wake up at 4 in the morning, go make breakfast for me and Antonio, Take a bath, Get dressed ofc, then grab my things and head on the way!

I'm now walking down the streets since my house is just few minutes away. I can see that some stores are just opening, afterall its just 5:34 am. I dont even know why I go to school early I guess my people really has a great influence over me afterall the earliest my school could start is 6 am but you still need to go at 5:30 for the flag ceremony. But in the U.N. Academy the classes starts at exactly 8:00 am.

I stop on my tracks as I notice that Im already infront of the big pearly gate. No one is around except the security guard that also took notice of my arrival.

"Must be a lowly town being too excited for school"

I can hear him mutter under his breath as he just ignored me passing thru.

The sky is also finally lighting up making it easy for me to see my surrounding. As I began walking towards the main entrance....

I dont think my stamina can handled that much stairs.
I curse under my breath as I began hitch hiking to the mountain of stairs.

A few moments later I finally reach the top. I crouch down panting and sweating trying to catch my breath. Now I pity myself maybe Martial is right about excercising atleast a little bit.

I finally caught my breath and began walking through the empty hall as in super empty. Afterall you can still have 2 whole hours to sleep and do anything you want instead of going to school. Only a pyschopath would do such things.


Anyways I continue walking and making turns here and there. I actually know the structure of this whole school as if like Im the one who build it. I mean I guess memorising its blueprints is a huge advantage for me since I knew every nook and cranny here, and that includes the secret or hidden rooms with important files inside them. But I dont have to bother with that I have read all of it in my past life anyway.

I took a final turn and saw a sign that says 1-C . I looked towards my schedule and confirmed that I am placed at the same class as before.... The third country class.

Wanting to atain peace and became equal my ass U.N. still did seperate the lower and higher country in the end but chose to put countries with conflict at the same room... Tanga ba sya?

I sigh as I notice that a light is coming from the classroom... Someone seems to be here first than me. I stopped at the doorway and take in what the whole room look like.

White walls, Beige floors and ceiling, seats and a girl, basta its just looked so fuckin borrrriiing...

She suddenly look behind which startled me.

Woooaaah Belarus looks so young here~ In my last life she looked so mature and refined but now she had a baby face awwww.

Belarus is one of the female Country Master who survived the 'Witch Hunt' I myself did survive it but its because I pretend to be a guy for decades before it went away...

Our eyes lock staring at each other. As she only looked away moments later...

Whats with her..?

I just shrugged it off going to the sit that I wanted to have in my past life... The chair besides the window on the second row!!

This seat has everything!
And what I meant is the Beautiful View! You can see some bits of the city but that doesnt matter.. Its the beach! Sometimes they would decorate and place down some flowers and rocks to form something like words or pattern! I always got a glimpse of it but thats it afterall my classmates would go and push one another so they just got to see it!

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