Chapter one

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After my parents died.I wanted to forget about my life.I just wanted to crawl into a ball and stay there forever but I couldn't.

Grayson was 2 when my parents died.Two years old and lost his mom and dad all at once.He was too young to even comprehend what was going.I knew that he was going to start asking questions but I didnt expect it too be soo soon.

The day after the accident,my babby brother came to my room and asked me "Sadie,when are mama and dada coming back?".Honestly I was shocked.Maybe even more than shocked.I looked at his face which was red and puffy and felt my heart shatter."Well Bug,mom and dad aren't going to be comming back,they went to visit our aunts and uncles in Heaven"Grayson looked at me and started bawling "But I want my mama and papa!" he said.At this point, the only thing I could mutter was "I want my mama and papa too"

For the rest of the night we lay in my bed crying together.I knew that I had to be strong but at that point,I didn't even care anymore.I just needed something or someone to show me that it was okay to cry and that it was okay to not be okay.

Being  18 at the time I was at the legal age to get full custody of Grayson.All of  my grandparents were dead and all of my aunts and uncles lived a good distance away from Idaho. My favourite aunt, Aunt Yasmin was cathcing the first plane to Idaho to start planning the funeral. It was nice having someone to talk to, to tell them how confused I was about how God would be so selfish to take my parents from a two year old. My Aunt Yasmin offered to take custody of Grayson and let me live with them but I decided that I had to do this on my own. For my parents and for Grayson.

Ofcourse,she reminded me about how much work it would be taking care of a kid but honestly I didn't care.

If I have to go hungry to provide for my Bug.

So be it.

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