Chapter VI

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We checked almost all the pharmacies in town that were matching the criteria, but none of them was the one that were looking for and time was running out.

'Well this got to be it. We don't have other options and we are running out of time.' Junior said in a rush while driving to the last pharmacy on our list.

'Hopefully this is the one that we are looking for.' I said and looked again at my phone at the photo of the building silhouette.

While I was zooming in and out to find some more clues, I got another text message from an unknown number, but I knew it was him. Just like last time, he knew what I was doing right now.

The message was plain and simple: Tick Tock, Detective. Tick Tock. Will you make it in time? Full Moon is Rising and you're running out of leads? How can you find out who I am going to kill next?

Junior noticed something was wrong and asked me what's going on.

'We need to rush to that pharmacy. The killer is always a step ahead of us even now.'

He understood right away that our maniac knows we are heading the right direction and sped up the car to reach the pharmacy, but it didn't go as planned...

We were few miles away from our destination when all of a sudden the car seemed to have crushed something. We went out of the car to check it and we've seen it too late due to the speed. There was a spike strip across the asphalt painted to reflect the highway. We couldn't see it in time and now we were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

'Damn it!' Junior said and hit the tires to express his anger.

'He knows we are close to the right place. How long would it take us to reach there by foot?'

Junior took his phone, checked the maps and informed me that we would arrive in around 30 minutes by car with a high speed, but by foot it would take us longer, most likely around 2 hours.

'We need to find a solution and fast.' He said worried about the next victim.

'You think we can call a taxi?'

Junior looked again on the phone, but in the middle of nowhere there weren't so many chances for a taxi to get to them, at least not in time.

'I think our next action is to go by foot until we find a solution.' I said while starting to remove the spike trip from the road.

'Well that's our only option.' He sighed and called the service repairs.

Ten minutes later we were already walking on our road to the pharmacy when a random car was going towards us. Junior was doing the hitchhike sign to be picked up, but without a luck. The same happened with the next three cars that were randomly passing by. It was already evening, but the full moon wasn't yet in position for our killer to strike. We were running out of time. Another car was passing by and I've done something I hope I would never do it again. I jumped in front of the car and waited to stop. The car lights were blinding me, but it was worth the effort as we got the result we hoped for.

'Just what the hell you think you're doing?' The driver started to shout at me.

I went out of the lights trying to regain my sight while Junior was showing him his badge and asked him to take us to the pharmacy as fast as he can to stop the killer. Initially the driver was suspicious, but accepted after I begged him to do it because he might be our only chance to catch this maniac.

He drove as fast as he could and we've reached the pharmacy in time. I was checking the angle the silhouette was made from and we had a perfect match. This was the place. The building was still full of staff and some customers waiting in line to get their prescriptions. We had to find out which one would be the victim and who is the killer. It was one chance to save someone from him, but from so many people who would be the one?

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