Lucifer ?

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Lucifer : hello darling . Tell me what you truly desire ?

Me( stammers ) ummm this is not real

Lucifer : I'm as real as they come my darling

Me( shouts ) no you can be Lucifers evil twin brother , you can't fool me bucko, I watched the Lucifer series on Netflix !

Me: why are you here, look I didn't mean to throw Spiceseeker into the air like that

Lucifer : smart girl. You figured it out. Spiceseeker wrote to me. He wants me to take you to hell for punishment

Me( shakes ) ummmm 😳

Lucifer : you either come willingly or I will use force

Me( growns ticked off ) no one messes with this elf!

My elf ears zap Lucifer back into hell!

Me: sorry handsome it's nothing personal , it's just business

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