1. "I'm Sorry"

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HE checked his wrist watch and thought 'It's been 6 hours...SHE may wake up...'

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the room where she was sleeping peacefully making a smile flicker on his face. He went near her, slowly brushed the tiny hairs that fell on her face and when he felt her eyeballs rolling under her closed eyes, he grabbed the syringe from the side table and slowly injected her. A slight frown formed on her face but vanished when she lost to the sleep again.

He gulped and placed a feather kiss on the side of her head as she was sleeping on her right side.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered in her ears and walked out of the room as the tissues under his eyes hurt when he stopped his tears like always.

He sat on the couch in the living room, rubbing his face with his palms and closed his eyes arching his head to the back. All he could see was the girl, his first love, 2 years junior to him in school, smiling with glowing eyes in the school uniform.

Manik Malhotra, 27-year-old, single child to his parents, successful young heart surgeon, finished his masters and specialization in London and did his internship and practiced for more than a year in London itself. The hospital where he worked was never really ready to send him off to India until they needed him in their Indian branch. Coming from a middle class family, he dreamed to build a hospital of his own someday in future but all he could manage till now was to clear his educational loan and currently paying the installments for his new house in Mumbai, while his family lived in Pune. Being the best at whatever he does, is the recognition he has earned everywhere.

He had a perfect life for being a brilliant student, got the MBBS seat in his desired college at the age of 17, got the chance to fly for his Masters at 22, his internship and practice at 25, which helped him to clear the loan and debts of his family. When he was waiting for the right time to come back to India, god made his plan to make him return as a serious need at the Indian branch of Global Hospitals.

The journey from London to India and to Mumbai, he got only reminded of one smile and that's her. She used to smile like a doll and jump like a butterfly. It's been years since he has seen her but he still remembers every single detail of hers. Though he left the country, he kept a check on her in a way which doesn't come under stalking.

A thud sound from the room that he has locked few hours before, made him open his eyes and come back to present. He quickly rushed towards the door and tried to be calm while opening it.

The sound of key and click of knob made her flinch and the tall masculine figure made her crawl back in fear. When she opened her eyes to see a different surrounding, neglecting her weak body, she tried to stand but failed and fell on the floor. Effect of medicine didn't let her see the face clearly and she shivered when he approached her. She hugged her knees close to her heart and shed tears in fear while he sat on his knees near her. Her eyelids still felt heavy and didn't let her see his face and he moved his hand forward to cup her cheek softly to stop her from shivering. She flinched to his contact, closing her eyes and he removed his hand as a reflex.

"Nandini" He called out and she opened her eyes slowly to look at him. Her pale face turned into a deep frown while she tried to figure out the person in front of her.

Once she realized his features and matched them to the last time she saw him, she muttered in an unbelievable tone "Manik...!!!"

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