2. "I Love You"

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Nandini Murthy, 24-year-old, an amateur writer, finished M.A. Literature and wrote a book named 'Tales of the Heart' and was trying to publish it. Born with a silver spoon and brought up with all the luxuries, she didn't want to use her father's name or family's name to get that book published but strive to get her own identity. When her father didn't support her decision to study literature since he wanted a successor to his business empire, it was Arnav Singhania, her college senior, stood by her side when she was alone. Being a single pampered kid, she was not used to her dad's temper since her mother died. But when he opposed her decision about the degree, their connection was somewhere lost and the distance increased day by day and year by year till she finished her M.A.

As her college has all the departments right from Arts and Science to Engineering, Arnav, her college senior from Engineering department, found an instant attachment towards her when she roamed all alone in the vast college. He met her frequently and thus became best friends until he proposed her for marriage. While she did M.A, he finished his MBA from the same college and they both introduced each other to their families. Arnav's parents accepted immediately while Nandini's father, to her surprise, too accepted when he saw Arnav, an MBA graduate, as his successor since Nandini had zero knowledge about business.

Nandini always had crush on someone, it was Dhoni or Hrithik Roshan or Ranbir Kapoor since childhood and then someone else. But Manik, her school crush, was completely different from all those celebrity crushes.

Nandini gulped the lump that formed in her throat and saw his face clearly and asked again, "Manik...!??"

Manik nodded his head making her take a deep breath, may be a breath of relief that she was not with an unknown person. She tried to stand and he helped her to the bed again and sat facing each other.

She sniffed rubbing her eyes while he offered a glass of water from the side table. She quickly grabbed it and gulped it in a go as her throat went dry.

She exhaled and said "I...I can't believe this...It's been so long...since I have seen you..."

He nodded with a slight smile which vanished when he saw her frown and she asked "How did I come here...!?? What happened...!??"

"Relax...I'll tell you...But first, let me get you something to eat..." He said getting up from his place and she stayed silent as her stomach begged for food already.

He came back with a plate of food and handed it to her and she looked at him with a pout and said "Look away"

He chuckled and asked "You are still the same...!?? To not eat when I see you...!??"

"Of course...I can't show my untidy eating manners in front of my long lost crush..." She blurted while mixing the rice with the gravy. He passed a slight smile and she bit her lower lip realizing what she has said but then continued to eat.

"That's completely fine...Eat however you like..." He said passing the glass of water when she choked.

He waited till she finished and passed the tissues once she was done and she smiled.

"So...Manik...Now tell me...Aap yaha kaise...!? I mean aap Mumbai mein...!??" She asked sitting cross legged on the bed.

"What's this Aap Aap...!?? I'm just 2 to 3 years elder to you..." He said with a frown and pout making her smile.

"But still...elder toh ho na...Chuck it...Tell me..." She asked.

"Came few days back...Job purpose..." He replied.

"Ohh" She said and looked at her watch and exclaimed "Oh my god...It's too late...I have left home yesterday and haven't returned till now...I need to go...Can you please help..."

He went stiff and remained silent while she frowned and called him "Manik...I'm asking you...I have to go..."

"You are not going anywhere" He declared not looking at her face.

"Stop playing Manik...It's already late...Dad is out of the country...and...Arnav might be worried about me..." She said standing from her place while he pulled her back strongly making her gasp in shock.

"I said...you are not going anywhere...You will stay here...till I say..." He said clearly irritated when she said the other person's name.

Though scared and confused, she managed to smile a little and said "Manik...Pl...Please...You are scaring me...This is not time to joke or prank...Arnav will be really worried...Where's my mobile...!?? Let me call him..."

"Shut up" He said sternly and she looked at him with wide eyes while he continued "Nandini...Listen to me...You can't go...and you will stay with me..."

"Why...!?" She almost asked like a whisper.

"Because I Love You...and I can't let you go..." He said and she forgot to breath for a second and he continued "Not this time..."

She composed herself before saying slowly "Manik...Listen...All the feelings we had...I mean...My crush feelings or your love...was from the past...It's past Manik...I'm in relationship with Arnav...We are going to get married next month...and I love him..."

He closed his eyes tightly and repeated "I love you Nandini"

She decided to explain him more clearly just because she knew him before and he was not unknown, "Manik...Please try to understand...You can't just come from nowhere and propose...I'm in love with Arnav...Our parents too accepted and we are getting married next month..."

"Please Nandini" He said in a defeated tone.

Nandini rolled her eyes at her situation and said "Please Manik...If you have loved me, you should have stayed beside me...at least in touch with me...you can't just impose your love on me all of a sudden...I just...don't know you..."

He chuckled to her accusation and stayed silent for a while till she continued "And...moreover...I love Arnav..."

"Can we just keep that Arnav away for a minute...!??" He asked in a firm tone while his eyes teared up when he heard other name from her mouth claiming that she loves him.

She huffed and stood to leave but he was quick to grab her hand and pushed her to the bed, pinning her hands to the mattress. The second he realized what he just did, he left her immediately and she sat properly.

"Nandini...Please don't make me do which I don't want to..." He said arching his head back.

"What do you want...!??" She asked slowly after seeing his tinge of anger.

"You...I want you to stay here...With me..." He replied.

"Why...!??" She asked in the same tone.

"You'll know soon..." He said walking out of the room while she hugged her knees with tears. 

Ignore mistakes...

Confused...!?? Let's untie one by one...step by step...:)

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