3. "Promise Me"

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'Patience Manik...Patience...' Manik said to himself before opening the door an hour later expecting that Nandini would have slept but she was sitting in the same posture of when he left the room.

"Didn't you sleep yet...!??" He asked slowly and she turned her head to the other side.

He sighed walking towards her and sat in the same place like before, facing her.

"Head ache...!??" He asked passing the tablet that he has brought with him and continued "I thought you would be fine after the injection...You weren't in a position to take the medicine..."

She stayed silent and he said "Say something Nandini..."

"I want to go" She said and he exhaled saying "Anything else...!??"

"You tell me...Why are you doing this...!??" She asked clearly irritated with the fact of being locked up.

"Because I love you..." He repeated and she gritted her teeth slapping him hard. He held his cheek with a sad smile and tears while she said "Even I was trying to explain...You are not at all listening...What's wrong with you...!??? I already said...Whatever feelings you and I had, was in the past...Why are you trying to make it present and future...!?? Listen...I love Arnav and that's it...Better let me go...You will not get anything even if you keep me here..."

Seeing him silent while he was processing her words, she continued "Manik...I'm sorry for slapping you...But please try to understand...Dad and Arnav will be worried...They will be searching for me..."

"If they are not worried for you, will you stay here...!??" He asked making her frown and ask "What...!??"

"I'll take care of that...Your dad or Arnav will not be worried...Then will you stay...!??" He asked with a hope.

"But why Manik...!??" She asked with a confused face.

"I'll say the same...I love you...I want you to give me a chance..." He replied.

She rolled her eyes and asked "Chance for what...!??"

"A chance that I have never taken...to tell you my love...to make you love me...to know each other...to spend time with each other...I just want that...Can you give me a chance...!?? Us a chance...!???" He asked holding her hands.

She looked at his hands and said "Manik...Things will never change...I love Arnav with all my heart...Even if I stay and we spend time with each other, nothing is going to change...All you end up is with a broken heart when I walk away...Please don't do this..."

He gulped and said "Just one chance Nandini...At least, I'll be happy thinking I haven't let you go when I still had time...Please..."

"My marriage date is fixed...in another 5 weeks...Dad will be back in a month...Arnav...He..." She said thinking about the all the persons except the one in front of her.

"4 weeks...Just this 4 weeks...Stay with me...I'll take care of everything...Your dad, Arnav and everything...Just...Just forget about everything...Only us...You and me...Can you do this for me...!?? Trust me please..." He pleaded.

Seeing her in deep thoughts, he asked "What are you thinking...!?? Whether your Arnav will accept you or doubt you after you return...Hai na...!??"

She glared at him and said "He trusts me...He can never doubt me and he is not that cheap minded..."

"Then what's stopping you...!??" He asked.

"You'll be hurt at the end...I know the result..." She said looking down.

He chuckled and replied "No one knows the end result at the beginning itself..."

She sighed and asked "What are we going to do this 4 weeks...!??"

He smiled a little more than before and replied "Just spend time...Get to know each other...Just live our daily lives..."

"Can we go out...!??" She asked and he nodded in a no saying "Only home...Please..."

She looked away and he continued "Nandini...I promise...I will never do something that's makes you uncomfortable...I will not try to impress you but just be myself..."

She nodded and he forwarded his hand saying "The same way...I want you to promise me...Promise me that you will treat me as a friend...at least try not treating me as an enemy or kidnapper...And you will not try to leave from here..."

She looked into his eyes and none knows what made her trust him and she placed her hand on his as a promise to which he smiled.

He got up from the bed, cupped her face to place a feather kiss on her forehead and wished "Good night..."

Before she could come out of the kiss of affection, he left the room, closing the door behind while she thought 'Arnav never kissed me on forehead...!!'

She immediately came out of it and said to herself 'Nandini...Till the time you stay here, you must not compare him with Arnav...I'm sorry Arnav...I don't have any other option...'

She laid on the bed thinking about the happy moments she spent with Arnav and unknowingly dozed off.

Ignore mistakes...

Thanks for the amazing response...:)

So...Like Manik said, let's forget about all other persons and logics and just concentrate on Manan for few updates...Shall we...!?? 

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