Nummy Cupcakes

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Vincent: Hey Krystal, there's another dare for you here.

Krystal: Sweet! Who's it from?

Vincent: Someone new! That hasn't happened it awhile. @mjv1214life dares you to... Eat... Carl....

Krystal: What?! I can't do that! Chica would kill me! Not to mention that's really messed up, and he's too kawaii to die!

Vincent: If I had a dollar for every time two of those three reasons were completely ignored by everyone, I'd have $46.

Krystal: Fine. But I'm not eating all of him.

Vincent: okay.

Later, while Carl and Krystal are all alone

Carl: So what was your question for me Krystal?

Krystal: The truth is, I don't have a question. Sorry! *steals some of Carl's icing*

Carl: What are you doing?! D:

Krystal: I'm sorry! It's a dare from @mjv1214life! *eats the icing*

Carl: NUUUU ;~;

Krystal: *puts on new icing* Don't tell Chica about this, okay? I'm still really sorry I tricked you into coming here. Now go back to Chica before she realizes you're gone.

Carl: Okay...

Krystal: Bye!

That does it for this Q&A/Dare session! As always, leave your questions and dares in the comments! Stay kawaii my friends! ^~^

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