Backstage-The fabled Audi ride: Part 2

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They reluctantly spilled out of the car, half of them tipsy, the other half weak with laughter; Maddi rushed over to ask Kapil and Cheeka what they'd found so funny as Sunny went to help Viswa in pulling Jimmy down.

"Where's Kaps, Sunny?" asked Jimmy.

"Creating chaos in the back," said Sunny. "What d'you want him for?"

"Just like that," said Jimmy simply.

Sunny really didn't have the energy to summon one mad person for another drunk person with all that was already going on.

Then one of the organizing team came over to tell him in an urgent voice, "Can you round them up in a short while for the trophy lifting?"

Sunny looked around at his team, which was in a jaw-dropping state of disarray of elation.

"Sure, why not?" he said with a painful smile.

"Sunny bhai, you haven't tasted the magnum!" Siva shrieked, running up to them and offering his captain the pristine bottle.

"I don't want to—we need to get ready for the trophy—" began Sunny distractedly. "Maddi, get those clowns over here—"

Jimmy, who'd done away with the empty champagne bottle, took the proffered magnum bottle and unscrewed it.

"Jimmy!" said Sunny with as much authority as he could muster. "You're not drinking a drop more, you've already been the bad guy all evening, there's no need to drink more to prove you won't be the nice guy any longer!"

"Well, in that case," said Jimmy brightly.

And he emptied the entire bottle over Sunny's head, who was soaked through before he could even raise a hand to protect himself.

And he emptied the entire bottle over Sunny's head, who was soaked through before he could even raise a hand to protect himself

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Siva and Viswa doubled over with laughter. Jimmy wasn't even laughing; he seemed to think he'd done a very normal thing, so Sunny figured it would be pointless yelling at him right now.

"Sunny bhai!" Cheeka's voice made him jump out of his skin. "Why're you all wet?"

"Ask Jimmy," said Sunny, for a moment seriously considering walking away and letting his team get ready themselves.

Siva must have told Cheeka, Kapil and Maddi of Jimmy's move, because all three were roaring with helpless laughter.

"Brilliant, Jim pa, brilliant!" Kapil cried.

"Kaps," said Jimmy, sounding heartfelt relieved. "I was looking for you..."

Kapil made sure the magnum bottle in Jimmy's hand was empty before he dared to go close to him and ask, "Yes?"

"My head's spinning..." Jimmy said, so low no one around heard. "I want to...go and sleep..."

"Oh, ok, don't worry," said Kapil, slinging an arm around his waist. "Let's pose with the trophy and then we'll go straight back to the hotel..."

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