thirteen ~ the heartbreak hotel - pt. 1

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playlist:when it ends ~ avery lynchit'll be okay ~ shawn mendes

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when it ends ~ avery lynch
it'll be okay ~ shawn mendes

~ warnings: angst, angst angst (what else is new?) mentions of miscarriage,
hostile uterus, errr--sexual content (whoops) ~

You began to spot a week ago, which was typical of you. A feeling of exhaustion and sickness followed that. The intensity of everything seemed to increase, and you began to worry, though you weren't sure if the soup you ate was to blame or not. It felt familiar like it was the last time this happened.

Your mind became jumbled, and you thought back to the last time you slept with Jungkook-and your heart sank. You were on birth control. You swore you took your pill that day, right? Real and unreal had become entwined. It was impossible for this to happen now, in this way, while you and Jungkook weren't together.

He knitted his eyebrows in confusion and tilted his head before returning his gaze to you. Late, he thought. But it was nearly midnight. What could you possibly be late for?

"Late? Late for what?"

Oh god. You loved this dummy, but did you really have to spell it out for him? "Kook-I'm late," you stressed again, hoping he'd catch your drift.

It took him a moment to think about it and finally understand what you meant. It felt like his heart leaped out of his chest and onto the table. His doe eyes widened. "Oh." He rubbed the nape of his neck. "How-How late?"

"Two weeks."

Another 'oh' left his lips. This had never happened to him. He thought he was always careful, but then he remembered the last time the two of you slept together without protection and wanted to crawl under a rock-it was also the day he kissed Alex.

He turned to you. "Did you take a test?"

You shook your head. "Not yet." You were scared. Scared of the possibility of this being real. How could you possibly have a baby with someone who hurt you? And besides, would this pregnancy even be viable? Could you possibly have this baby? "I haven't taken a test yet, but I did bring a few with me."

"You can do it right now if you want, and you know, whatever the outcome is, I'm happy either way. I've always wanted to be a dad," he reassures, trying to calm his nerves more than you right now.

You lowered your gaze, your heart pounding in agony at the anticipation of finally telling him the secret you'd been keeping since you'd been together. "Kook."

He rubbed the back of your hand with his. "Hey, hey. Everything's going to be okay." He shifted to you, tucking your hair behind your ear.

You shook your head. "That's the thing, Kook," you paused, eyes darting to your entwined hands before returning to his gaze. "I can't have kids." There it was-almost a sense of relief when the words came out, like this weight you had been carrying was finally lifted.

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