drabble ~ girl's night

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You 7:39 PMHey, you still dophotography right?

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You 7:39 PM
Hey, you still do
photography right?

Hyunie 7:41 PM

You 7:43 PM
Would you be able to take
some pictures of me?

Hyunie 7:44 PM
What kind of pics? 👀

You 7:45 PM
Lol why do you keep using
that emoji?!

Hyunie 7:45 PM
🤣 Idk. Yeah, babe, I'll take
whatever pics you need!
Just let me know.


When Hyunie received your text about what you wanted to give Jungkook as a surprise, her jaw dropped to the ground, but regardless, she was excited to help you out. She booked the fanciest hotel she could find in Seoul, and she even teased you about it costing an arm and a leg to book it.

"Babe, you are a menace. I can't believe you want to do this for Jungkook." Hyunie said while setting up her camera and lights.

"It's honestly the least I could do for him. He's done so much for me." You yelled as you were in the bathroom, getting changed into a lacey black number, shimmying your breasts, shifting them into a better position. You grabbed the oversized white button-down to cover yourself somewhat.

As you walked out of the bathroom, Hyunie whistled at the tiny outfit that clung to your body. "Geez, babe, Jungkook will die when he sees these photos."

"That's my intention," you smirked as you walked toward her. "Okay, where do you want me?" You're not sure where this burst of confidence came from but doing a boudoir photo shoot was something you've always wanted to do. It was now or never, considering your body was in its prime state. And to be honest, the best person to do this for was Jungkook. You wouldn't consider doing it for anyone else but him.

Hyunie pointed to the bed. "Here," she said as she pulled the duvet and ruffled it a bit to make it look like it was slept in. You crawled onto the bed, unsure how to pose or position yourself. "Here, I want you to pose like this." Hyunie modeled on the bed how she wanted you.

"Like this?" You asked while feeling extremely awkward at this very moment. You were in sexy lingerie getting photographed by one of your good friends. How else was one supposed to feel?

"Mmhm, perfect." She said while cocking her head to the side, giving you a wide grin. She loved that you wanted to do this and couldn't wait to see the outcome of everything. She held her camera up but paused and came forward to move a strand of hair out of the way. "Okay, don't be scared or feel nervous about this whole thing. I want you to be able to feel sexy and comfortable. Let your confidence show through."

You sighed, "Okay..." You weren't even sure what that meant, but it was time to suck it up and do this thing. You could do this...it was for Jungkook.

"Arch your back a little, so your booty can pop out a bit." You did as she asked. "Yeah, yup, just like that, perfect!"

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