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[Everyone in the Autobot base on Cybertron is cleaning up after what happened three weeks ago. A group of rebelling Decepticons attacked and tried to destroy the base, and offline them all. But thankfully, they were able to beat them. The fight was so big, that they had to ask the Autobots on earth, - The Bee Team and the bots from Unit E. - and Megatron and his small team to help.]

[Now things have calmed down, for the most part. Ratchet and Knock Out were in the med bay, prepping it for the bots that may come in. Just then, Pharma walked in.]

Pharma: Ratchet! [Pharma boomed, storming in.]

Ratchet: What do you-... What happened? [Ratchet asked, noticing how Pharma looked.]

Pharma: I went flying, then a Decepticon shot me down! [Pharma exclaimed, gesturing to his damaged wing.]

Knock Out: A Decepticon? Are you sure? I thought we locked up all the trouble makers. [Knock Out asked, turning from his work.]

Pharma: Stay out of this Con! [Pharma snapped, resulting in Knock Out rolling his optics.]

Knock Out: I was just asking, Pharm. [Knock Out deadpanned.]

Pharma: It's Pharma! Get it right Co- Ow! [Pharma was interrupted when Ratchet began fixing his wing.]

[His wing was pretty banged up, as well as his frame, though not as badly. He had dents and scratches, while his wing was bent a bit, with said injuries. But there was no hole to indicate a shot.]

Ratchet: Where were you shot? [Ratchet asked skeptically, looking over his wing again.]

Pharma: In the wing! [Pharma said in exasperation.] And don't interrupt me when I'm-

Ratchet: I don't see a hole, Pharma. These injuries look similar to ones from a crash. [Ratchet interrupted.]

Pharma:... I didn't crash, I was shot. [Pharma repeated, though less confidently.]

Knock Out: Wait, did you crash? [Knock Out asked.]

Ratchet: Pharma. [Ratchet said sternly, after getting no reply.]

Pharma:... I didn't. [He said again.]

[Just then, Starscream came in.]

Starscream: Hey guys, has Pharma- Oh, there you are. I came by to see if you were ok. [Starscream said.]

[Pharma stared at him, debating whether to kill him or not.]

Knock Out: What happened? [Knock Out asked.]

Starscream: I was flying with Megatron and Soundwave when we saw Pharma fly by. But then he nearly slammed into a building, he moved, but not before hitting his wing, then he crashed. We landed to see if he was ok, but he was already up - though dazed - and stumbled off. [Starscream explained.]

Ratchet: He just crashed? [Ratchet repeated, then turned to Pharma.] How did you not see a giant building in front of you? [He asked.]

Knock Out: Did something distract you? [Knock Out asked.]

Pharma:... I got lost in thought. [He finally said, optics lowered.]

Knock Out: What were you thinking about that got you so distracted? [Knock Out inquired curiously.]

Pharma: None of your business Con. [He growled in response. Refusing to elaborate on his schemes.] Can you just fix me!? [He snapped, embarrassed enough for one day.]

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