Mini-Cons Day Off

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[Today was normal for the Decepticons on the moon base, some were training, others on the monitors, they were keeping themselves busy. That was until Megatron summoned them, then they went to see what he wanted.]

Demolisher: You wished to see us Megatron Sir? [Demolisher asked.]

Megatron: Of course I did. I've located three Mini-cons in different areas. I'll need you all to come with me and collect them, chances are we'll have to split up. [Megatron instructed.]

Cyclonus: Where exactly are they? [Cyclonus asked.]

Megatron: The South Pole, the Amazon Rainforest, and some Cave in the mountains. [Megatron elaborated.]

Cyclonus: This will be easy, we've been to areas like that before! [Cyclonus exclaimed, cackling.]

Sideways: What are we waiting for? Let's go before the Autobots find them. [Sideways said, arms crossed.]

Megatron: My thoughts exactly. Let's go men! [Megatron ordered.]

[As everyone got to the Warp Gate, Megatron stopped Starscream, confusing him.]

Megatron: Stay here Starscream, I want you to keep an optic on the Mini-cons in the event they try to escape, or Autobots show up. [Megatron ordered.]

Starscream: Yes Sir. [Starscream nodded.]

[And with that, everyone left.]

[Starscream sighed before going back to the monitor to work. An hour later he was still at it, but at this point he was tired, nothing was happening, and the others haven't called, so Starscream decided to check on the Mini-cons. Megatron said to keep an optic on them after all.]

[When Starscream entered the room the Mini-cons were in, he was surprised to see all of them struggling to work. They looked tired, but when they saw Starscream they quickly picked up the pace of their work, so they won't get in trouble.]

[Starscream watched them sadly, didn't the others give them breaks when they were in charge of the Mini-cons? This isn't how they were when he was last here. He wished he could do something for them. Then it occurred to him, that he was the only one in base, he could give them a break.]

Starscream: Mini-cons, [They all stopped to look at him.] Since you're all working so hard, I have decided to let you all have a break. [The Mini-cons looked at him in surprise.]

Knock Out: ::Really? So, we don't have to work?:: [Knock Out beeped.]

Starscream: Right. The others aren't here right now, so you won't get in trouble. [Starscream explained.]

[All the Mini-cons cheered happily as they stopped working.]

Starscream: Since you all don't go out too often, how about we go on a little field trip? [Starscream suggested, and all the Mini-cons nodded.]

[Then Starscream went to the monitors, but not before going to his berth to include Swindle and the Star Saber Mini-cons. Once at the monitor, he started looking for a nice quiet location for them.]

[Once Star found a good location, he went back to the Mini-cons so they could go.]

• • •

[When they were Warped to the location, they were met with soft green grass, hills, a forest further behind them, and a small river in front of them, with flowers, scattered around the already beautiful scenery.]

[The Mini-cons looked around in wonder, taking in the area before them. This was the first time they could go out without having to fight the Autobots, so they were excited.]

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