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Here's a link to it's playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5NsO1wz7FxRszqVcspixqj?si=ad0e42700b334821

One Day After Failed Escape [10:26]

She felt like she was being held down by a wet comforter. The cotton clung to her skin like a second layer and she could hardly move. A surge of memories that stemmed from the last time she felt like this hit her like a ton of bricks and the beginnings of a scream formed on the tip of her tongue, but it was immediately halted by a reflexive wince as she forced her body to squirm. The rattling of her metal chains pushed her to the edge and her breathing grew harsh with panic.

'No, no, no...'

Hazy eyes scanned the partially lit room for the hooded man that knocked her out and had her face down in shards of broken glass and dirt—the familiar artifacts in the small space not quite sinking into her still adjusting sight as her whole body now began to shake with the mental stress.

'Move...I have to move!'

Inhaling sharply as she shifted to lean on the arm that didn't feel numb, she was instantly hit with an unbearable amount of pain that ran down the entirety of her side to her leg—again, eliciting an involuntary grunt of pain from her nearly spasming body.

She took several more breaths before steeling her resolve and swinging her leg, which was wrapped in a bind similar to a brace, over the ledge that faced away from the wall. Despite her being unable to bend her knee, she clenched her teeth and abruptly attempted to stand, finally freeing herself from the confines of her sweat drenched cage of fabric.

As soon as she was upright, her vision swam and her balance wavered. Her free hand clumsily clutched at the wooden dresser next to the makeshift bed that she stood on, attempting to frantically blink away the dark spots that warned her of an impending fainting spell.

Far too fixated on trying to get away, she failed to hear the indistinct steps that neared her location until the lock on the door clicked.

Head whipping to the origin of the sound, she felt her tears fall of their own accord as her heart hammered and her palm grew clammy.

'He's here. He's going to finish the job.'

The memory of her last encounter was still vivid in her head and her body as it recalled the gloved palm that threatened to ruin her in irreparable ways. The robe she donned now felt far too thin and too little as the door silently moved open, only stuttering for a few seconds as the person behind it appeared to hesitate—listening for her.

Unconsciously, her shoulders tensed with the preparation to resist whatever moves her most recent assailant was going to do to her. But just as her hand managed to grasp at a solid weapon to use against him on the side table, the door fully opened and revealed the familiar silhouette of her original captor—Jeff, she replaced mentally.

Things slowly came back to her as she continued to look at him. Murky pain filled scenes flitted in out of her mind while her guard continued to stay up. She was vaguely recalling him taking her back before her memories abruptly gave up on her altogether—save for the blue masked man that she associated with a hospital.

His normally white pullover was gone and replaced with a plain black tee and sweats, a plate that had a sandwich and some kind of soup in his right while he carefully kept the other on the doorknob—ready to shut it should she throw the pair of surgical scissors that she didn't exactly notice she held.

Her eyes warily took in the bandages that wrapped around his hands and neck before finally settling on his uncharacteristically calm gaze. There was a strange urge for her to go through with her earlier endeavors despite the fact that this was not the man she expected to see. Something about him being so abnormally—normal—triggered an anger that roared beneath her skin. And somehow, the image of him being just an average person that also garnered injuries compared to the monsters she's encountered, felt unfair.

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