Chapter 5

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Harry's hair was very soft and curly once it had been washed, and James found it nice to run his fingers through. Harry was very easy to clean, although he had a few bruises and scars that hadn't been healed yet that Harry seemed uncomfortable with James seeing, but was okay after James pretended not to see it, he already had some potions and balms from Mme Pomfrey for them, not that he had told Harry, which he was glad about, as Harry was clearly unhappy having people know about his injuries.

"Okay, Harry," James said, putting Harry on his bed, Harry wrapped up in a fluffy white towel, his old clothes in the laundry basket for the House Elves' discretion, and a few outfits of James' that he thought were the most comfortable for Harry to choose from. "Which of these do you want?"

"I don't think they'll fit me." Harry said quietly looking at the clothes. Of course, he hadn't worn clothes that actually fit him for a long time, Dudley being much larger than Harry, and larger than a lot of their peers too, but these clothes were so large Harry would be drowning in the cloth.

"Not now, but we can use magic to shrink them. Sorry, the best I can do now is shrinking clothes from me, but when you're with my parents or during the holidays we can go and get you clothes for you." James said with a small smile, taking a seat next to Harry, looking at the outfits he had lain out. "Of course, you can rearrange the clothes."

"I can have any of them?" Harry asked, before flinching slightly at asking a question, before James smiled and ruffled Harry's hair again.

"Any of them at all, you might want to feel them to see if you like the texture first. I know my clothes aren't as good as Moony's, but they're nice enough." James said, continuing to play with Harry's hair, feeling proud of Harry for asking a question, even if he admitted he 'slipped up' sometimes and still flinched, he decided to take it as Harry trusting him.

Harry leaned forwards to feel the clothes. They were nothing special, a couple jumpers, one of which was actually given to him by Remus when Remus accidentally shrank it trying to wash it. The other jumpers were less comfortable, but still soft and one was homemade. There were a few different styles of tops, including shirts, long sleeved tees, and a few short sleeved tops too. As far as trousers went James had little to no variety.

"They're all nice." Harry said quietly, although his hands lingered on a few more than the others.

"Do you want me to decide for you then?" James said, continuing to play with Harry's hair, not that Harry seemed to mind. James wanted Harry to become more independent and make more of his own decisions, but there was no need to throw him in the deep end, and given Harry knew he was taking James' clothes it might make the decision harder.

"Please." Harry said with a small nod and a slight squeak in his voice.

"Of course, you can always ask for anything you want or need." James said with a smile as he also moved further forwards. Harry would need a couple different outfits while they waited, but he didn't have to choose all of them now.

James grabbed the homemade jumper and the one he had been given by Remus, the two jumpers Harry seemed to have liked as his hands lingered on them more, and James had to agree they were good choices. Based on that James assumed Harry liked the softer clothes, and from how self conscious he was being about staying covered by the towel it was likely Harry preferred loose fitting clothes. Green felt like it would be a colour that matched Harry well, probably because of the strong, noticeable green of his eyes, that seemed to hold a different kind of light to Lily's even if they were really the same colour. James' limited trouser selection was going to reduce what Harry could wear too, but that would probably be fine.

"What do you think of these?" James asked, having brought over the jumpers, two long sleeved green tops, three paler short sleeved t-shirts, jeans, and another dark red long sleeved top.

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