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bonnie POV
I pushed back the purple -star imprinted curtains of the pirate cove , I saw foxy hanging on a haddock that kids used to climb and sit while an employee or a parent would rock them , "what do you want fox "I said , I wasn't in the mood to see him not like I am ever the mood to see him anyways ."what do ye want ?ye comin' talkin' shit about me and ye don't expect me askin ye ? " He said looking over at me, "okay FIRST of all I DIDNT talk shit about you, SECOND since when do you care anyway ?" I walk closer I didn't want to but I had to confront this dick , "me don't care ye do" he said while rocking slightly . "I don't care", "Ye do bonnibelle ye aren't a very good liar"he said , "don't call me that and I give two shits about for your information , if it was up to me I would have given you to wolves for dinner , you're lucky chica and Freddy didn't let me do it " I said . "how is Freddy ,"
"are you shitting me ? You're not funny jackass you know who Freddy is , I am not a comedian but pretending not to know someone as a joke is the lowest form of comedy " I said stepping closer , he laughed ,"see bonnibelle ? I told ye ye care to much ye I don't like him " . if i had a gun right now foxy would be dead he is messing with my temper and he knows it ,"yeah I know you don't like him because you're a homophobic bastard , quite frankly people like you shouldn't be addressed as "homophobic" you're not scared of Freddy your just an asshole " I said , " so a lad can't have an opinion anymore ?" he said lowered his head until it was hanging from the edge of the haddock , I moved towards him until I made sure I made direct eye contact with him . " no. I am all for opinions being against gays isn't an opinion , for example you don't like sour cream that's an opinion , hating someone because if something they can't control isn't an opinion , you're just being a close minded piece of shit" I said he laughed ,"guess one of the downsides of comin from a religious family,ye become a close minded piece of shit ", I couldn't believe what I heard , Our families , childhoods and life before the "incident" happened in general was..... a touchy subject for me Freddy and chica yet here is foxy mentioning his family like nothing happened I can't believe this guy , we can only remember so much about our childhoods yet mr.douche doesn't give a shit."seriously ?! is this all a joke to you ?! , DO YOU EVER TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUSLY ?!" I yelled at him, " whoa there satan don't ye go all dipshit on me bonnibelle, it's not like me parents ever treated me badly ta' have to cry every time me talks about em ' " he said , well that is true foxy and I's childhoods were decent we didn't really have it hard compared to what chica and Freddy went through , I don't know much detail about their childhoods besides chica being an accident , her parent didn't want her so they gave her to a foster home ,everytime she was adopted by someone they would always treat her badly and just return her back , Freddy was treated like shit by his father because he accused his mother of cheating on him because he didn't look Anthony like him or his mother . " still doesn't the past mean anything to you ? Don't you miss you're mom and dad? " I asked ,"not really they were too strict on me anyways" he said ."ARE YOU JOKING ?! YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ?! YOU THINK TGAT ACTING ALL LAID BACK AND CHILL MAKES YOU LOOK COOL ?! WELL IT DOESNT ASSWIPE I DONT EVEJ KNOW WHY I AM WASTING SO MUCH TIME TALKING TO YOU !" . I couldn't help my self I missed my mom and dad so much and foxy is treating the entire situation like it means nothing . " I told ye not ta' go all apeshit bonnibelle " he said getting off the haddock standing infront of me . "you know what ? Forget this shit I actually feel happy that you are here with us ! I am happy because you're mom never got her heart broken by you , you would have been a complete humiliation to her , good thing she didn't have to go through the sham- " what did I really just said that ?! How could I ? Even if foxy's been a complete and total ass I shouldn't have that I turned around but felt a hand grip my shoulder ," the fuck did ye say bonnibelle ? " I turned my head and saw foxy's eye pure black with his pupil white, did I really piss him off THAT bad ?."let me go " I know this would sound like I am full of my self but I can't apologize not after everything he's done , " I didn't mean it asshole let ME GO " I tried to take his hand off my shoulder but every time I I tried to pull it away his grip got stronger . "I'll show ye . ye are gonna regret EVER SAYING THAT " ," Bring it on"

YAY MOAR CLIFF HANGERS !! yeah you can Expect an epic fight scene between foxy and bonnie next chapter ;3 not to spoil but it may involve bonnie and foxy unleashing their super sayian modes :T also THANK ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS OMG THANK YOU !!!!!! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION ! LETS PIZZA PAR-TAYYYYYY !!!!! Also I said I would update often next chapter but I went on a trip with my family and the hotel we stayed in had really shitty wifi and wattpad didn't work for some reason 030 I hope y'all can forgive me Q3Q (also I hope I didn't offend anyone with that religious parents thing ITS ALL APART OF MY AU ! ) till next time my babies
(Next chapter next 1000000 years )

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