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Chica POV
I stared dragging Bonnie into the supply closet I opened the door and gently pushed Bonnie inside then locked the door, I didn't want Anyone specifically foxy to come in I didn't want to make things worse then they already are ,
"What has gotten into you ?!" I said Bonnie didn't reply I noticed he didn't make any eye contact with me since I dragged him in here , maybe he's mad at me ? , "So?" Still no answer . "Bonnie......" I sighed I was gonna open the door ,"i don't know" he finally replied "what do you mean you don't know ?" I looked at him again , "I just... I couldn't take anymore of his shit I guess" he replied , "seriously?" I couldn't believe him Bonnie usually has a lot of tolerance in him it's not like him to just snap like that...., " fine. I couldn't stand what he was doing to Freddy , I would have done the same if he was doing it to you.." I giggled a bit Bonnie is such a sweetheart it's hard to believe he would hate anyone or swear so much but we all have our flaws I guess,"well okay but Freddy doesn't seem to mind it " , "iam sure he does" , he said ,"if I was in love with someone and they did that to me I'd be pretty pissed", "fine just try not to kill foxy okay?","okay I'll do my best, but what if he pisses me off and ignores Freddy again ?",he said , " I can talk with him about it if you want ",I said while turning to the door ,"just try ignoring him until then ,I know Freddy's your best friend and i I know you mean well but Freddy can break a wall with his hands,ya know ? He doesn't need you to protect him", " I know he may be shorter then me and foxy but that guy can deliver a punch " he laughed ,I giggled and went to unlock the door " Haha well... oh no " , " What ?!" He said worried , " I think the door's stuck " I looked back at him with a scared Look on my face ,"WHAT!!!??" Bonnie pushed me out of the way I think he wanted to break open the door but it opened when he violently turned the doorknob " wha...?" Bonnie turned to look at me "gotcha" I said immediately "haha very funny" he said as I saw him walking towards the hallway I sighed "oh Bonnie" I walked to pirate cove in hopes of finally ending all of this pointless drama

Foxy POV
"Stupid bonnibelle be stickin his nose in everthin' " I said as I sharpened my hook why is it so fucking hard for Bonnie to keep his mouth shut I know what iam doing aren't i ? "Someday Bonnibelle someday" "foxy ?" I heard chica's voice as she opened the curtains " oh there you are " " Aye lass " I said still sitting "you know I was talking with Bonnie earlier "
" Oh tis be fanfuckingtastic "
" Yeah um I told him to ignore you and stuff you know he means well " she sat down next to me
" thy lad should still Mind his own businesses "
"Still...." she paused for a second ,
"Why did you ignore Freddy when he said to you hey ? "
"........lass there be something's 'bout me ye wouldn't understand "
"Don't you trust me ?"
"I do lass I truly do but somethings they be better unknown , I would tell if me could I'd do it right now ! but me can't......"
"Fine just can you ignore Bonnie too ? And maybe say sorry to Freddy ? " she said as she stood off
"Bonnie thing Me could do but me won't say sorry t'freddy "
"Why won't yo..... never mind" she walked to the curtain "but if you want to talk about anything just tell Kay?"
I smirked "kay"
"Bye" she cLosed the curtains and darkness filled pirate cove again .
Authors note :
Short chapter is short but this is really the most I can update now I'll try to make longer chapters ............. eventually XOXO ~stupid person whom you don't give a shit about

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