🕊painfully gone🕊

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Jisung woke up in a place that reaked of strange odeurs, opening his eyes slowly. He was laid down on a sort of hospital bed, with a lady wrapping up his leg.

He turned the other way and saw Minho sleeping, he was sat on a chair but his arms and head laying on his bed.

The nurse taking care of him then glanced at him and smiled when she saw he was awake.

She was talking but he didn't understand a word, so he looked over at Minho for some help. She understood right away and tapped the older one on the shoulder. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at her, then the boy on the hospital bed.

"You don't have to worry anymore, he will be just fine, we'll actually transfer you both once we get your superiors to agree"

"Good, thank you so much, you're the only nurse that agreed to treat him"

"My job is to save lives, no matter where you stand on the battle field, but he should rest here for a while, I'll tell you once you get to go"

"Thank you again" they both nodded and the lady went outside the tent.

Jisung understood about two words, but he didn't care, it was too painful to focus on anything else. She had removed the metal piece and stitched it up, but he could feel his body trying to recompose it.

"You have to eat now" Minho prepared his food, making sure the soup was warm before taking a spoon full and waiting for jisung to sit up. The boy did and Minho started to feed him carefully, Jisung wincing every time he moved his leg.

He needed to eat, that was the only reason he was doing it. He'd most likely die if food didn't enter his system, so he put all of his anger for Minho aside and ate.

The soup was way better then what he had back in his camp, they fed on mainly rice since they had a lot of it and it was easy to cook and carry around. Maybe it was just because this was different, but it tasted really good.

He finished the soup pretty quickly and looked saddened when their wasn't even vegetables left on the bottom.

Minho handed him bread, the younger one not even thinking about it before grabbing it and munching on the soft doe.

"Aren't you adorable when you eat...you look just like a squirrel..." Minho whispered to himself, looking as jisung filled his mouth with bread.

The general walked in and Minho got up from his chair, saluting him.

"Yes General?"

"I'm here because I need to know if this is worth it. If he truly knows as much as you say, then you'll both be sent to a house outside of the war zone....but if he can't prove himself useful, I'm afraid it will have to be execution."
He spoke very calmly, making Minho's blood freeze in his vains. He's seen scary, but this man was his number on the list.

"What information do you need?"

"These bombs we found on the fields, we don't know how to disarm them, but maybe if he can tell us, then we'll have a way to save a few lives...that information is crucial"

"I understand."

"You have until the sun goes down tonight. Don't disappoint me" and with that he left just as he came, his posture as straight as a line.

"Shit..." Minho mumbled, this was his ticket out of here, out of the war, he couldn't possibly fail.

"Okay. You're going to have to become an engineer in the next four hours." He said to jisung, to which the younger one just tilted his head.


Since they had lost their only way of communication in the explosion, it was nearly impossible to talk coherently.

"How do you diffuse the bombs?"

They looked at each other for a while and jisung nodded slowly.


"No! The bombs, boom!" He motioned, but they both looked insane at this point.

Jisung looked around for one but looked back at the older confused, raising his shoulders. Minho simply groaned. They had spend the past hour trying to explain what he needed to do and they were running out of times. He had tried drawing it or to find a text book to help them understand each other, but it was all in vain.

Minho walked out of the tent and took some fresh air, watching the sun start to melt the snow, bit by bit.

He then heard yelled from far away, frantic screams of terror. Minho saw a man panicking, pointing in every direction. His commander walked up to him and smacked his cheek.

"Speak properly and we'll help you."

"It's Christopher sir...his foot is stuck on a mine in the ground"

The commander held his breath and started to prepare a team, even though he knew that his life could not be spared.

Minho walked up to him, his heart beating fast against his rib cage.

"Let me go with you. I can prove that my prisoner is useful to us"

"I cannot take suck a risk..."

"Please sir...he can do it"

He sighed and looked at the boy.

"He can come, it's not far from here"

"Thank you, he'll be right out"

Minho ran back to his tent and took Jisung's hand.

"We need to go, now" he helped him get up slowly, even though the pain in his leg was killing him. Jisung didn't know where they were going, but he knew their was a reason for this, and he had a strong feeling it had something to do with the tall man that spoke to them earlier.

They walked outside of camp, Jisung limping the whole way there, leaning on Minho as little as he could.

They reached the rest and looked at the scene in front of them.

Their was a boy about the same age as Minho stood in a field, looking down at the ground.

"Theirs a bomb under his foot, if he lifts it up, it will detonate and kill him instantly. The best we can do is pray for a miracle..." another soldier next to them said, bitting his nails.

Jisung then walked on the field, making all of them look at him.

"Careful! It's filled with mines!" Another yelled but jisung didn't listen. He walked in odd places, looking at the ground attentively. He could tell where some of them were even right the snow covering them. He managed to get there effortlessly, making everyone stunned.

Christopher was crying and looking at the sky, praying to the god to get him home safe to his loved ones.

"No move" Jisung told him and he nodded, his hands trembling in fear.

Jisung started to remove the snow and frozen dirt around the bomb, making sure his foot stayed in place the whole time.

Once he got to it, he opened the compartment and cut a few wires with his nails, making sure he was doing the right ones.

After a while he got up and smiled at the man in front of him, motioning him to step away.

Christopher prayed one last time before removing his foot...

And nothing went off.

The bomb was deactivated.

He fell to his knees and started sobbing his soul out, so grateful to be able to make it.

Jisung then took the bomb in his hands and showed them in the distance.

They all cheered and Minho was blowed away, he had hoped for a miracle, but this was much better.

The commander put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Well done soldier, you leave tonight"

My prisoner | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now