🕊sleeping beauty🕊

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The younger boy woke up with his hair in every direction possible, hearing the droplets of the rain outside and the sound of his door opening.

Chan opened it and smiled at him.

"Goodmorning, you can come out when ever you want now" he then left the door slightly opened but Jisung crashed back dow on his bed and closed his eye again. Soon enough, he heard Minhos voice in the kitchen and decided to get up anyway, if he could be with him then it was worth it. He got up but Felix stopped him before he could get anywhere.

"We need to get to work now, come on" he took his arm and dragged him away to a room he hadn't seen yet.

Their was a microphone and a notepad in Felix's hands, clicking the pen to make the ink part stick out.

"So, could you details me how to disarm the bomb step by step?" He spoke in Korean, waiting for Jisung to tell him everything he knew.

"Their are a lot of different ones, first-" he kept going, explaining to him the type their were and how to know which were which in a life of death situation.

After a while they got the basics down on paper, Felix noting everything he needed to notes down.

"That's great, I'll correct these and send them to our superiors, good job"

They both got up and this was his chance to go and see Minho again, he couldn't be pulled away from him, not after last night. The way his fingers felt on his skin was the best he'd felt in days.

He was finally going to knock on his door before Chan interrupted his plans.

"Jisung, we need to train you, come along" chan dragged him away and brought him to a training room, a small mattress on the floor and walls covered in mirror. This house sure as hell had everything they needed.

"Ok Im going to need to get you in position" they started to do basic techniques, sending each other to the floor a couple of times. Jisung then saw Minho in the corner of his eye and froze up, so chan took advantage of it and flipped him around. He was now pinned down on the floor with Chan on top of him, making Minhos blood boil with rage. Jisung was his...who did he think he was?

Chan then got off of jisung because he could feel the strong glared he was getting from someone behind him.

Minho wanted to pin down Jisung so badly, having him weak under his touch.


"You look tired...why don't you take a break...leave Jisung to me..." he sounded so obsessed, he knew that If he said no he'd regret it so he walked towards Minho and stopped when he was next to him.

"Don't do anything stupid"

"I would never..." he smiled and Chan left, so he closed the door behind him.

Now they were both staring at each other, this explosion of passion again.

"You're all mine little bird..." he approached him and Jisung tensed as soon as he grabbed his arm harshly, pulling their bodies closer.

"Are you scared of me?" Minho bend down to his ear, licking it and smiling.

"You should be." He then pinned the boy on the ground, holding his knee to his throat as the younger one tried to fight him off but it was no use. He whimpered and cried under his crushing weight, Minho only enjoying the view.

"You think it's funny to let Chan on top of you like that...?" He pressed harder, Jisung's legs kicking the air as a small attempt to get out.

"Stop acting like a fucking slut...do you really want to be treated like one?" Minho lifted his knee, the younger one gasping out for air only to be chocked by his hand.

"S-stop" he answered, but only ended up getting hit in the face.

"You're mine and you will never be anything else then my prisoner..." jisung rolled his eyes back and closed them shut, a small tear escaping down his cheek.


"It will keep hurting if you act like this...it's already hard for me to resist you, you're making this so much harder...poor little bird, stuck in a wolve's jaw, so easy to crush" he let go of his neck for good and sat the boy up, running a hand slowly in his hair.

"Minho hyung-"

The older held his hair harshly, smirking at him.

"God I love it when you say my name like that...especially when you're crying, it does things to me" he was acting like a lunatic, but this was only the tip of the iceberg, Minho was holding back.

"I can only image what else that mouth of yours can do, how sweet it would taste"

Jisung didn't understand anything but the tone in his voice was making him scared, it sounded menacing, like a snake whispering venom into his ear.

He then got up, leaving the crying boy on the floor and looking at him from a high point of view.

"Never. Let anyone else then me touch you like that..." he glanced at him once last time before leaving a confused boy on the cold tiles.

He didn't understand what he did wrong, all he heard was chan's name and another few words, but that was about it.

Chan marched back to the room and death stared Minho when he saw the weak and crying boy on the floor.

"What did you do?"

"Relax, we just had a little talk..." he looked back at Jisung who looked horrified, making him even happier.

"Doesn't he look pretty when he cries...?"

"You're fucking sick..."

"Why...? Is it because I'm not like you rich people? Who eat off the backs of people like me? Man wearing gold who work full time as actors to pleasure others...? I might be fucked in the head but at least I know I am...this world turned me into the monster you see, yet you chose to hide behind a wall made of jewelry bricks and lies...so yeah, maybe I am sick, but at least I'm not pretending like I'm something I'm not." He left the second after finishing his sentence.

Chan then rushed to Jisung on the floor and helped him up.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He had this look of concern washing up on his face. Jisung didn't answer, he just looked at his shaking hands.

"Your lip is cut opened...let me-"

Jisung backed away when chan approached him.

"No hurt..." he lied, it stung like hell but he didn't want Minho to be mad at him anymore, he wanted his love and affection.

Minho stood by the doorway and listened.

"Good boy..." he whispered and left for good this time.

My prisoner | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now