Air scented like blood

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Howling filed the silent night sky of Tokyo.. the world felt silent...but little did it know the secrets of the streets.

"Gotta eat! More more!" He screeched, devouring the lungs and organs of a innocent man who lay in the streets, his lifeless eyes rolled to the back of his head. The demon fed with no hint of remorse as he furiously ate to fill his hunger. "More! More!!! NOT ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH!" He shrieked darting up from him empty victim.

Collapsing to the ground, blood bursted out from him, a large spike burst out his stomach as he took his final, gory breath. "Good work Investigator Hāto." A tall,mysterious figure spoke, a bland expression on his face as a cold looking man held his suitcase attached to the device that unleashed the weapon that killed the demonic creature. In an instant the man's face turned to a sad smile,"Thank you Lo! Don't need to be so formal! Pattons fine!" He let out a soft chuckle before diverting his eyes to the victim, "If only we got here a few minutes earlier.." Logan sighed and put a comforting arm on his shoulder,"Listen..Your warm heart will weigh you down. We honour their sacrifice remember, if they hadn't have died then many more deaths would've taken place due to this ghoul."  His voice was firm but soft for him, he had always had a soft spot for Payton.. He could never put his finger on it however.

Patton smiled again softly, not saying anything but turning to the dead man, his eyes glanced over all that remained of his torn body.

Patton sighed and spoke to someone on the radio before sighing,"I always feel horrid for the families...this man didn't deserve what came to him...This is why I'll never forgive ghouls. They all say I'm a reasonable guy but this is where I draw the line." He let out a slight growl before sighing and walking over to Logan, standing by his side happily as if everything was alright.

A figure in a dark purple cloak loomed over the investigators, watching from a distance. His heart pounded as tears streamed down his face, his blood red eye glowed in the dark mist  of Tokyo. The tears however, were a rather unusual colour, almost a blood like substance but more tear-like. His mind flooded with thoughts,"I should've saved him... I should've told him the Doves were there..It's my fault he's dead..Oh dear brother I'm sorry." His silent screams of pain and guilt ate him alive, just watching more and more investigators come to the scene, a sick feeling arose in him as he watched them carelessly pick his body, hoping to use it for some specimen he imagined.

'Ding ding'
"Welcome back Virgil and Ha-..Where's your brother. He isn't allowed out past feeding hours, you Virgil are late enough as it is." A Woman scolded his eyebrow firmly raised.

The boys body immediately fell with a thud as he dropped to his knees, "The doves...They got him..I-it's all my fault!" Her eyes widened as her eyes filled with tears, she went over to him, pushing his head into her chest as they embraced sadly. Her touch was warm and soothed him although the tears continued to stream down his face.

"L-listen mother.. they took his body in..I fear in some way he will have some link to us on his corpse..You should run. You can pass in this world. I'll be fine on my own just please mother! I can't let you die aswell!" He stuttered,shaking as his anxious mind kept filling with worrying thoughts. She softly stroked his head, a small smile emerged on her face. The smile was warm, though her eyes were filled with fragile sadness. "Virgil worry so..everything will be alright. You are getting ahead of yourself. Now I think you should go upstairs and try and rest.. our heads will be cleared tomorrow.

Virgil grunted and released his grip on her,his once broken eyes turned to a monotoned expression that was bland and uncomfortable. He trod up the creaking stairs obediently no matter how much he wanted to go out and evenge his brother.
He and his brother would curse the stairs for all the times they wanted to go for a midnight snack but the irritating creaks alarmed his sleeping mother. Good times..

He stripped off into his boxers and a plain black hoodie. He rolled back onto the bed with an annoyed groan and his eyes immediately fluttered to the picture on his bed stand. The photo was a loving picture of him and his brother on a day out. All the feelings came back.. his heart shattered and tears wouldn't leave his face to the point his pale face became tear-stained and weak.

"Why can't they see who the true monsters are."

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