You look like a tit.

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The day started like any other.

"EHuH! EHuH! EHuH!" His alarm screeched, the sound filled the air as his eyes opened weakly. Turning and gazing at his phone as his eyes widened, "7:50?! Fuck how many times did I press snooze." His mumbled to himself before clambering out of bed, shoving on his classical uniform. His white buttoned shirt was covered in black marker that never came off. It was almost his signature style that he felt comfortable in. He scruffily shoved on clean boxers and neat trousers to go with them, refusing to tuck his shirt in as he grabbed his tie and black blazer. Grabbing his dark tinted bag, he rushed down the stairs looking at his mother who was calmly sipping tea as he forced a brush to his messy hair. He grumbled at the pain before watching her slide him a cup,  dropping 2 of his special sugar cubes to sweeten it up and help his hunger.

He nodded at her happily before darting out the door after placing his laced shoes holding the cup tight as he ran to the nearest bus stop. Gasping for air, he halted as he was greeted by one of his friends,"Sup V!" The boy spoke, virgil could only see the boys shoes due to the fact he was panting aggressively but he didn't need much to say who it was. Janus. A sneaky guy but all in all rather nice. He refused to follow the rules, any rule and he would disobey a certain extent. Those rules he particularly enjoyed to not follow rules on phones,school uniforms and can't forget the rule of no sex in school!  That of course was his favourite by a long shot. Janus wore a yellow beanie and a black jacket followed by neat school trousers but a yellow n black shirt of his favourite band. He had non-permanent tattoos all along his left arm and a significant birth mark which covered half of his face.

"My oh my you look like a right tit." He sighed, forcing virgil up straight as he properly buttoned his shirt, tucking it in before adding the classic red tie to his uniform, tying it nicely before getting on one knee and tying his laces that had been dragged in the wet. Despite not following the rules, he was almost like a mother to virgil, bossing him about and fixing him up whenever he needed it. It almost fit his nature as he was a year older then Virgil, in his final year of school as he was officially 18.

The bus was rather late on this day which was just aswell as virgil cautiously made sure he had remembered everything while Janus leaned on the bus shelter. They were with 6 other kids that had cramped themselves onto the seats all bursting with conversations.

"So. Who's on the list this week?" Virgil asked, looking up at him while Janus smirked,"Heard we have some people from the CCG coming to aspire us to join or some shit. But it sounds interesting, maybe one of the instructors are hot yknow!" He chuckled while virgil nodded cautiously.

"What would I do..If he found out."

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